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Products integrating OpenTestFactory


Squash is a comprehensive functional testing tool: it supports any lifecycle (V-cycle, Scrum, SAFe), it can be used during the build or run phases, it manages manual and automated testing…

Squash includes its own Orchestrator, which is based on the OpenTestFactory Orchestrator.

This allows a user to launch some automated tests from Squash TM (the Web application part of Squash). Once the tests are finished, their results and reports are published in Squash TM.

This also enables the integration of Squash in a continuous integration environment:
Once a pipeline is triggered (e.g., by a new pull/merge request or by a scheduled execution),

  • a test plan is retrieved from Squash TM;
  • then, Squash Orchestrator executes the tests;
  • at last, the test results and reports are published in Squash TM.