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Migration guide


New user-facing endpoint, /workflows/{workflow_id}/qualitygate (POST), added to the quality gate service

This new endpoint allows clients to trigger a quality gate evaluation for a given workflow with their own rules.

The service was already exposing this route using the GET method, but it now also expose this route using the POST method. This enables users to specify their own quality gate rules.

Who is impacted?

If you have defined a reverse proxy in front of your orchestrator, with routes filtering on HTTP methods, you will have to adjust their definitions to allow for the new method.

If you do not filter routes based on HTTP methods, you probably do not have to update your reverse proxy configuration.

Please refer to “Quality gate” for more information.


New user-facing endpoint, /namespaces, added to the observer service

This new endpoint allows clients to check whether they can perform a specified operation in a given namespace.

Who is impacted?

If you have defined a reverse proxy in front of your orchestrator, you will have to adjust your reverse proxy implementation to be able to access this new endpoint.

Please refer to “User-facing Endpoints” for more information.


Provider configuration file format has changed

In previous releases, provider services configuration files were of the type ProviderConfig or ServiceConfig and were having an apiVersion of

The configuration file format has changed, and they must now have the following format:

kind: ProviderConfig

Who is impacted?

If you had defined hooks for a given provider at the orchestrator level, you will have to adjust your configuration.

You can still edit your provider configuration file so that it includes your hooks, but the recommended way is now to use a separate file.

Please refer to “Defining hooks using a definition file” for more information.