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Descriptor syntax for OpenTestFactory Orchestrator Plugins

You can create plugins to perform tasks in your workflows. Plugins require a metadata file that uses YAML syntax.

About YAML Syntax for Descriptors

All plugins require a metadata file, called a descriptor. The descriptor filename must be plugin.yaml. The data in the descriptor defines the inputs, outputs, and main entrypoint for your plugin.

Plugin descriptors must use YAML syntax. If you’re new to YAML, you can read “Learn YAML in Y minutes.”

You can put more than one YAML document in your descriptor. They may all refer to the same plugin.

You may add an ‘overall’ YAML document in your descriptor.

Mandatory and Optional Sections

Depending on the kind of plugin you are creating, you may need to include different sections in your descriptor. The following highlighted sections are required for all plugins:

apiVersion: "..."   # optional for basic plugins
kind: "..."         # optional for basic plugins
  name: "my-plugin"
  description: "A short description of the plugin."
cmd: "my-plugin"
spec:               # optional, for context parameters definition
events:             # optional, required for ProviderPlugin and GeneratorPlugin
inputs:             # optional, for ProviderPlugin and GeneratorPlugin
outputs:            # optional, for ProviderPlugin and GeneratorPlugin
reports:            # optional, for ProviderPlugin and GeneratorPlugin
branding:           # optional


The non-optional sections are required for all plugins. The optional sections are only used by plugins developed using the opentf-toolkit Python library.

Generator Plugins

When writing a generator plugin with the help of the opentf-toolkit, you must include a metadata.action element and an events section in your descriptor, and, if appropriate, an inputs section and an outputs section as well.

The opentf-toolkit makes use of those to subscribe to events and to generate the appropriate code to handle those events.

Example: a generator descriptor using opentf-toolkit
kind: GeneratorPlugin
  name: DummyGenerator
  action: core/dummygenerator
  description: Dummy Generator Plugin
- category: dummygenerator
  categoryPrefix: core
  categoryVersion: v1
cmd: python3 -m opentf.plugins.dummygenerator.main

Provider Plugins

When writing a provider plugin with the help of the opentf-toolkit, you must include a metadata.action element and an events section in your descriptor, and, if appropriate, an inputs section and an outputs section as well.

The opentf-toolkit makes use of those to subscribe to events and to generate the appropriate code to handle those events.

(The metadata.description, metadata.notes, reports and branding sections are optional and are only used for documentation purpose.)

Example: a function descriptor using opentf-toolkit
kind: ProviderPlugin
  name: robotframework
  action: robotframework/robot
  description: |
    Run a Robot Framework test suite.
  notes: |
    ## Examples

    This first example runs all tests in the `foobar` test suite:

    - uses: robotframework/robot@v1
        datasource: foobar

    This second example runs the `foo` test in the `foobar` test suite,
    and an Allure report will be generated:

    - uses: robotframework/robot@v1
        datasource: foobar
        test: foo
        reports-for-allure: true

    This third example runs all tests having a `ready` tag in the `foobar` test suite:

    - uses: robotframework/robot@v1
        datasource: foobar
        extra-options: --include ready

  icon: play
cmd: 'python -m opentf.plugins.robotframework.main'
- categoryPrefix: robotframework
  category: robot
  categoryVersion: v1
    description: The data source to use.
    required: true
    description: |
      Specify a test case present in the data source.  By default, all test
      cases in the data source are executed.
    required: false
    description: |
      A boolean.  Set to `true` to enable the generation of Allure reports.
      By default, Allure reports are not generated.
    required: false
    description: |
      Specify additional parameters to pass to Robot Framework.

      There is a list of possible command line options you can find on the
      <a href="" target="_blank">Command line options</a>
      chapter of the Robot Framework documentation.
    required: false
    description: |
      The Robot Framework test execution report in XML.

      It has the `application/vnd.opentestfactory.robotframework-output+xml`
      content type.
    description: |
      A TAR archive. Contains the usual reports:

      -  `log.html`
      -  `report.html`

      and the screenshots:

      -  `*.png`
      -  `*.jpg`
      -  `*.jpeg`
      -  `browser/screenshot/*.png`
      -  `browser/screenshot/*.jpg`
      -  `browser/screenshot/*.jpeg`
    description: |
      JSON result files.

      Contains all `*-result.json` files, when the optional `reports-for-allure` input is `true`.
      Those files enable the generation of Allure reports.
    description: |
      HTML attachment files.

      Contains all `*-attachment.html` files, when the optional `reports-for-allure` input is
      `true`.  Those files enable the generation of Allure reports.



Required if kind is specified.


The plugin type (ChannelPlugin, ProviderPlugin, PublicationPlugin, or GeneratorPlugin). Required if apiVersion is specified.

The apiVersion and kind fields are optional for plugins not making use of the OpenTestFactory orchestrator toolkit.


The metadata section contains the plugin’s metadata.

Example of a metadata section

  name: "my-plugin"

Required The name of your plugin.


If this name appears in the startup’s configuration file disabled section (see “Configuration file” for more information), the plugin will not be loaded.


Optional The human-friendly name of your plugin.


Required for provider descriptors The main name of the described function.


Optional default if the plugin supports the standard hook mechanism.

Optional The name of the plugin’s author.


Required A short description of the plugin.


Optional Textual notes related to plugin.


Optional The license the plugin is made available under.


Required The shell command used to start the plugin. The launcher uses this command to start the plugin.

The launcher uses this command to start the plugin. It will add the following parameters, as appropriate:

Parameter Value When
--context DEFAULT_CONTEXT always
--authorization-mode OPENTF_AUTHORIZATION_MODE if needed
--authorization-policy-file OPENTF_AUTHORIZATION_POLICY_FILE if needed
-token-auth-file OPENTF_TOKEN_AUTH_FILE if needed
--trustedkeys-auth-file OPENTF_TRUSTEDKEYS_AUTH_FILE if needed
--trusted-authorities OPENTF_TRUSTEDKEYS_PATHS if needed

Examples of cmd entries

Assuming the command to start your plugin is my-plugin, your descriptor could contain the following:

cmd: my-plugin foo bar

The launcher will start your plugin with the following command:

my-plugin foo bar --context allinone --trusted-authorities /etc/opentf/trustedkeys

If your plugin is a Python module, you can use the -m option to start it:

cmd: python -m mypackage.myplugin.main

The launcher will start your plugin with the following command:

python -m mypackage.myplugin.main --context allinone --trusted-authorities /etc/opentf/trustedkeys


The spec section is optional. It describes the plugin’s context parameters, if any.


A contextParameters section contains a series of context parameters. Context parameters are runtime parameters an administrator can taylor when deploying the plugin. They may have a default value, or bounds.

Example of contextParameters
  - name: max_deadletter_threads
    descriptiveName: deadletter threads pool size
    type: int
    default: 1
    minValue: 1
  - name: max_publication_threads
    descriptiveName: publication threads pool size
    type: int
    default: 10
    minValue: 1

Required The name of the context parameter. The name must start with a letter or _ and contain only alphanumeric characters, -, or _. It’s this name you will use in your plugin to refer to the parameter.

It’s also this name you will use in your plugin’s configuration file, if you want to overwrite its default value.


Required A human-friendly name for the context parameter.


Optional The type of the context parameter. Can be one of: int, string, or bool.

If not specified, it will default to string.



Required for ProviderPlugin and GeneratorPlugin plugins, not used for other plugin kinds. The event(s) to subscribe to.

If present, it must be a non-empty list of objects.

Possible entries in the objects are category, categoryPrefix, and categoryVersion.

If categoryPrefix is not specified, category is required.

categoryVersion can only be specified if at least the category or categoryPrefix is specified.

Examples of events sections

The first example subscribes to helloworld@v1, helloworld@v2, and helloworld events, but not to prefix/helloworld@v1:

- category: helloworld

This example subscribes to prefix/foo@v1 and prefix/bar@v2 events, but not to prefix@v1.

- categoryPrefix: prefix

This example subscribes to prefix/foo@v1 and prefix/bar@v1 events, but not to prefix/foo@v2.

- categoryPrefix: prefix
  categoryVersion: v1

This last example only subscribes to prefix/helloworld@v1 and prefix/helloworld@v2 events.

- categoryPrefix: prefix
  category: helloworld
  categoryVersion: v1
- categoryPrefix: prefix
  category: helloworld
  categoryVersion: v2


Optional Input parameters allow you to specify data that the plugin expects to use at runtime.


For provider plugins, the OpenTestFactory orchestrator stores input parameters as environment variables. Input IDs with uppercase letters are converted to lowercase at runtime. We recommend using lowercase input IDs.

Example of an inputs section

This example configures two inputs: numOctocats and octocatEyeColor. The numOctocats input is not required and will default to a value of ‘1’. The octocatEyeColor input is required and has no default value. Workflow files that use this plugin must use the with keyword to set an input value for octocatEyeColor. For more information about the with syntax, see “Workflow syntax for OpenTestFactory orchestrator.”

    description: 'Number of Octocats'
    required: false
    default: '1'
    description: 'Eye color of the Octocats'
    required: true

When you specify an input to a plugin in a workflow file or use a default input value, the orchestrator creates an environment variable for the input with the name INPUT_<VARIABLE_NAME>. The environment variable created converts input names to uppercase letters and replaces spaces with _ characters.

For example, if a workflow defined the numOctocats and octocatEyeColor inputs, the function code could read the values of the inputs using the INPUT_NUMOCTOCATS and INPUT_OCTOCATEYECOLOR environment variables.


Required A string identifier to associate with the input. The value of <input_id> is a map of the input’s metadata. The <input_id> must be a unique identifier within the inputs object. The <input_id> must start with a letter or _ and contain only alphanumeric characters, -, or _.


Required A string description of the input parameter.


Required A boolean to indicate whether the plugin requires the input parameter. Set to true when the parameter is required.


Optional A string representing the default value. The default value is used when an input parameter isn’t specified in a workflow file.


Optional A boolean to indicate whether the plugin allows input parameters not listed in the inputs section. Set to true when extra input parameters are allowed.

Example of an additionalInputs section

    description: 'Number of Octocats'
    required: true
    default: '1'
additionalInputs: true


Optional Output parameters allow you to declare data that a plugin sets. Plugins that run later in a workflow can use the output data set in previously run plugins. For example, if you had a plugin that performed the addition of two inputs (x + y = z), the plugin could output the sum (z) for other plugins to use as input.

If you don’t declare an output in your plugin metadata file, you can still set outputs and use them in a workflow. For more information on setting outputs in a plugin, see “Workflow commands for OpenTestFactory orchestrator.”

Example of an outputs section

  sum: # id of the output
    description: 'The sum of the inputs'


Required A string identifier to associate with the output. The value of <output_id> is a map of the output’s metadata. The <output_id> must be a unique identifier within the outputs object. The <output_id> must start with a letter or _ and contain only alphanumeric characters, -, or _.


Required A string description of the output parameter.


Optional Report parameters allow you to declare reports that a plugin may produces.

Example of a reports section

    description: |
      The Robot Framework test execution report in XML.

      It has the `application/vnd.opentestfactory.robotframework-output+xml`
      content type.
    description: |
      JSON result files.

      Contains all `*-result.json` files if the `allure-robotframework`
      library is available on the execution environment, to enable the
      generation of Allure reports.


Required A string identifier to associate with the report. The value of <report_id> is a map of the report’s metadata. The <report_id> must be a unique identifier within the reports object. The <report_id> must be a filename or a wildcard pattern.


Required A string description of the report.


Optional A string that represents the MIME type of the report.


You can use a color and Feather icon to create a badge to personalize and distinguish your plugin. Badges are shown next to your plugin name in the OpenTestFactory Marketplace.

Example of a branding section

  icon: 'award'
  color: 'green'


The background color of the badge. Can be one of: white, yellow, blue, green, orange, red, purple, or gray-dark.


The name of the Feather icon to use.

activity airplay alert-circle alert-octagon
alert-triangle align-center align-justify align-left
align-right anchor aperture archive
arrow-down-circle arrow-down-left arrow-down-right arrow-down
arrow-left-circle arrow-left arrow-right-circle arrow-right
arrow-up-circle arrow-up-left arrow-up-right arrow-up
at-sign award bar-chart-2 bar-chart
battery-charging battery bell-off bell
bluetooth bold book-open book
bookmark box briefcase calendar
camera-off camera cast check-circle
check-square check chevron-down chevron-left
chevron-right chevron-up chevrons-down chevrons-left
chevrons-right chevrons-up circle clipboard
clock cloud-drizzle cloud-lightning cloud-off
cloud-rain cloud-snow cloud code
command compass copy corner-down-left
corner-down-right corner-left-down corner-left-up corner-right-down
corner-right-up corner-up-left corner-up-right cpu
credit-card crop crosshair database
delete disc dollar-sign download-cloud
download droplet edit-2 edit-3
edit external-link eye-off eye
facebook fast-forward feather file-minus
file-plus file-text file film
filter flag folder-minus folder-plus
folder gift git-branch git-commit
git-merge git-pull-request globe grid
hard-drive hash headphones heart
help-circle home image inbox
info italic layers layout
life-buoy link-2 link list
loader lock log-in log-out
mail map-pin map maximize-2
maximize menu message-circle message-square
mic-off mic minimize-2 minimize
minus-circle minus-square minus monitor
moon more-horizontal more-vertical move
music navigation-2 navigation octagon
package paperclip pause-circle pause
percent phone-call phone-forwarded phone-incoming
phone-missed phone-off phone-outgoing phone
pie-chart play-circle play plus-circle
plus-square plus pocket power
printer radio refresh-ccw refresh-cw
repeat rewind rotate-ccw rotate-cw
rss save scissors search
send server settings share-2
share shield-off shield shopping-bag
shopping-cart shuffle sidebar skip-back
skip-forward slash sliders smartphone
speaker square star stop-circle
sun sunrise sunset tablet
tag target terminal thermometer
thumbs-down thumbs-up toggle-left toggle-right
trash-2 trash trending-down trending-up
triangle truck tv type
umbrella underline unlock upload-cloud
upload user-check user-minus user-plus
user-x user users video-off
video voicemail volume-1 volume-2
volume-x volume watch wifi-off
wifi wind x-circle x-square
x zap-off zap zoom-in