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Workflow commands for OpenTestFactory Orchestrator Plugins

You can use workflow commands when running shell commands in a workflow or in a plugin’s code.

About workflow commands

Providers plugins can communicate with the execution environment to set environment variables, output values used by other plugins, add debug messages to the output logs, and other tasks.

Most workflow commands use the echo command in a specific format, while others are invoked by writing to a file. For more information, see “Environment Files.”

Example of a workflow command

echo "::workflow-command parameter1={data},parameter2={data}::{command value}"


Workflow command and parameter names are case-insensitive.


If you are using Command Prompt, omit double quote characters (") when using workflow commands.

Attaching a file

::attach type={type}::{path}

Sets a function’s attachment. You can optionally provide a type further describing the attachment.


echo "::attach::foobar.yaml"

Sending a file to an execution environment

::put file={name}::{path}

Copies a file to the execution environment. name must be a file described in the workflow’s resources.files section.


echo "::put file=foo.json::where/to/put/bar.json"

Setting an output parameter

::set-output name={name}::{value}

Sets a step’s output parameter. Note that the step will need an id to be defined to later retrieve the output value.

Optionally, you can also declare output parameters in a plugin’s metadata file. For more information, see “Metadata syntax for OpenTestFactory Orchestrator Plugins.”

Example of setting an output parameter

echo "::set-output name=action_fruit::strawberry"

Setting a debug message


Prints a debug message to the log. You must create a variable named FUNCTIONS_STEP_DEBUG with the value true to see the debug messages set by this command in the log.

Example: Setting a debug message

echo "::debug::Set the Octocat variable"

Setting a warning message

::warning file={name},line={line},col={col}::{message}

Creates a warning message and prints the message to the log. You can optionally provide a filename (file), line number (line), and column (col) number where the warning occurred.

Example: Setting a warning message

echo "::warning file=app.js,line=1,col=5::Missing semicolon"

Setting an error message

::error file={name},line={line},col={col}::{message}

Creates an error message and prints the message to the log. You can optionally provide a filename (file), line number (line), and column (col) number where the error occurred.

Example: Setting an error message

echo "::error file=app.js,line=10,col=15::Something went wrong"

Masking a value in log


Masking a value prevents a string or variable from being printed in the log. Each masked word separated by whitespace is replaced with the * character. You can use an environment variable or string for the mask’s value.

The masking starts right after the masking command and lasts until the job ends.

Example: Masking a string

When you print "I'm Mona The Octocat" in the log, you’ll see "I'm ***".

echo "::add-mask::Mona The Octocat"
echo "I'm Mona The Octocat"

Example: Masking an environment variable

When you print the variable MY_NAME or the value "Mona The Octocat" in the log, you’ll see "***" instead of "Mona The Octocat".

MY_NAME="Mona The Octocat"
echo "::add-mask::$MY_NAME"
echo "$MY_NAME"

Example: Masking a string in the middle of a script

When you print something after a masking command, the values are masked.

    - runs-on: windows
    - steps:
      - run: echo mona the octocat
      - run: echo ::add-mask::mona
      - run: echo mona the octocat
      - run: |
          echo mona the octocat
          echo ::add-mask::octocat
          echo mona the octocat

In your execution log you will see:

mona the octocat   # no mask in effect
*** the octocat    # first mask applies
*** the octocat    # first mask still applies, the second is not in effect
*** the ***        # both masks are in effect

Stopping and starting workflow commands


Stops processing any workflow commands. This special command allows you to log anything without accidentally running a workflow command. For example, you could stop logging to output an entire script that has comments.

To stop the processing of workflow commands, pass a unique token to stop-commands. To resume processing workflow commands, pass the same token that you used to stop workflow commands.


Make sure the token you are using is randomly generated and unique for each run.


Example: Stopping workflow commands

echo "::stop-commands::pause-logging"

To start workflow commands, pass the token that you used to stop workflow commands.

echo "::pause-logging::"

Example: Stopping and starting workflow commands

    runs-on: linux
    - name: disable workflow commands
    - run: |
        echo "::warning::this is a warning"
        echo "::stop-commands::${hash}"
        echo "::warning::this will NOT be a warning"
        echo "::${hash}::"
        echo "::warning::this is a warning again"

Environment Files

During the execution of a workflow, the execution environment generates temporary files that can be used to perform certain tasks. The path to these files are exposed via environment variables. You will need to use UTF-8 encoding when writing to these files to ensure proper processing of the commands. Multiple commands can be written to the same file, separated by newlines.

Setting an environment variable

echo "{name}={value}" >> $OPENTF_VARIABLES
echo set {name}={value}>>%OPENTF_VARIABLES%

You can make an environment variable available to any subsequent steps in a workflow job by defining or updating the environment variable and writing this to the OPENTF_VARIABLES environment file. The step that creates or updates the environment variables does not have access to the new value, but all subsequent steps in a job will have access. The names of environment variables are case-sensitive, and you can include punctuation.

Example of writing an environment variable to OPENTF_VARIABLES

    runs-on: linux
    - name: Set the value
      run: |
        echo "action_state=yellow" >> $OPENTF_VARIABLES
    - name: Use the value
      run: |
        echo "$action_state"  # This will output 'yellow'