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Using the OpenTestFactory orchestrator CLI

You can use the OpenTestFactory orchestrator CLI to interact with the orchestrator and perform various tasks.


The OpenTestFactory orchestrator CLI is a collection of command-line tools that you can use to interact with the orchestrator. The CLI is designed to be easy to use and to provide a rich set of features for managing your workflow runs and your orchestrators.


The opentf-ctl command-line tool allows you to run commands against orchestrators. You can use opentf-ctl to run workflows, inspect and manage orchestrator resources, and view workflow logs.

The following are some basic commands that you can use with opentf-ctl:

Some other commands can be of interest while interacting with workflows:

Finally, you can use the following commands to interact with quality gates:

For more information, see “opentf-ctl”.


The recommended way to deploy the OpenTestFactory orchestrator is as a service in your environment.

In some contexts, you may want to start it, use it, and stop it when done.

Starting the orchestrator depends on your environment. It may be deployed as a standalone deployment using docker or docker-compose, or it can be deployed as a side container in your CI worker, or some other way.

In those contexts, there is a need to ensure the dynamically deployed orchestrator is ready to accept workflows.

For more information, see “Starting the orchestrator.”


When the OpenTestFactory orchestrator is instantiated on demand, some tasks may still be running after the workflow has completed.

If the orchestrator service is stopped before the end of those pending tasks, some reports may end in an inconsistent state.

This tool waits until the orchestrator service idles. It can safely be stopped when idle.

For more information, see “Stopping the orchestrator.”