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Integrate with GitHub

GitHub is a platform where you can create and build applications. You can use your own instance or an existing one.

In the following guide you will update a GitHub repository with its own OpenTestFactory workflow that will run whenever you push changes on your repository.

You need to have access to a repository on a GitHub instance, and you need to be able to start GitHub actions on that repository.

You also need to have access to a deployed OpenTestFactory orchestrator instance, with a corresponding token, that is accessible from the GitHub instance.

You will use the opentf-ctl tool.


You need to define two actions secrets. You can do this as environment secrets, as repository secrets, or as organization secrets.

If you define them as repository secrets, you will be able to use them in all your environments. That can be quite handy if you use many environments. If you define them at environment level, only this environment will see them. If you define a secret at repository and environment level, the definition at environment level wins.

If you are part of an organization, you can also define secrets as organization secrets.

One secret, OPENTF_CONFIG, is typically shared. It references your OpenTestFactory orchestrator instance.

Depending on your preferences and security requirements, you can share the other secret, OPENTF_TOKEN, between your environments or define one per environment.


If you do not want to give those secrets those names, you can freely change them, but then you will have to specify them explicitly in your GitHub pipeline, using the --opentfconfig= and --token=command line options below.


The OPENTF_CONFIG secret should contain your orchestrator configuration file, that is, the information needed to reach your orchestrator instance.

It will look something like the following.

- context:
    orchestrator: my_orchestrator
    user: me
  name: my_orchestrator
current-context: my_orchestrator
kind: CtlConfig
- name: my_orchestrator
    insecure-skip-tls-verify: false
      agentchannel: 443
      eventbus: 443
      killswitch: 443
      observer: 443
      receptionist: 443
      qualitygate: 443
- name: me
    token: aa

Testing your configuration file

If you have not tested your configuration file before, it is a good idea to test it now.

On your workstation, install the opentf-tools package, using the following command:

pip install --upgrade opentf-tools


The above command will install the most recent version of the package. If you want to install a specific version you can use the following command:

pip install opentf-tools==0.42.0

The list of available versions is on PyPI.

Then, copy your configuration in a config file on your current directory, and use the following command:

opentf-ctl get workflows --opentfconfig=config --token=YOURTOKEN

You should get something like:


Please refer to “Tools configuration” for more information on making your configuration file if needed.

Defining the secret

Go to your repository Settings tab, search for the Secrets section, expand it and choose the Actions view.


If you are part of an organization and want to add this secret as an organization secret, go to your organization’s Settings tab instead of your repository’s.

Project variables

In this section, add a repository secret OPENTF_CONFIG with the value above.

Define the OPENTF_CONFIG secret


The OPENTF_TOKEN secret should contain the token you want to use to communicate with the orchestrator.

Defining the secret

Add a new secret OPENTF_TOKEN with the value your token.

Define the OPENTF_TOKEN secret

The two secrets, OPENTF_CONFIG and OPENTF_TOKEN, will be available for use in your pipeline jobs.


Now that your two secrets are defined, you are ready to integrate your OpenTestFactory orchestrator within your GitHub workflows.

This section assumes a basic knowledge of GitHub Actions. See “Getting started and core concepts” for more information.


There is no required location for your project’s workflows, but it is a good practice to put them in a single location. .opentf/workflows is a good candidate.

In your repository, create the .opentf/workflows directory to store your OpenTestFactory workflow files.

In the .opentf/workflows directory, create a new file called my_workflow.yaml and add the following code:

  name: My first workflow
    runs-on: linux
    - run: echo "Hi there"

Running a workflow

In your repository, create the .github/workflows directory if it does not already exist, and in this directory create a new file called ‘run_opentf_workflow.yml’, with the following content:

name: Nightly e2e tests

on: [push]


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Set up Python 3.x
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: '3.x'
      - name: Install dependencies
            OPENTF_CONFIG: ${{ secrets.OPENTF_CONFIG }}
        run: |
          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
          pip install opentf-tools
          echo $OPENTF_CONFIG >.opentf/config
      - name: Test
            OPENTF_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.OPENTF_TOKEN }}
            OPENTF_CONTIG: ./opentf/config
        run: |
          opentf-ctl run workflow .opentf/workflows/my_workflow.yaml

Commit these changes and push them to your GitHub repository.

Your new OpenTestFactory workflow file is now installed in your repository and will run automatically each time someone pushes a change to the repository.