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Common settings

This document describes the common configuration options and command-line options for services and plugins. When using the ‘allinone’ image, there is typically no need to change those.

If you are not developing a plugin or a service, you may skip it and go to the documents describing the service-specific configuration options you want to use.

Environment variables

You can set the {service}_DEBUG_LEVEL (all upper-cased) or DEBUG_LEVEL environment variables to DEBUG to add additional information in the console for the launched service. It defaults to INFO. Please note that setting DEBUG_LEVEL to DEBUG will produce tons of logs.

The possible values are NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL. Those values are from the most verbose, NOTSET, which shows all logs, to the least verbose, FATAL, which only shows fatal errors.

If {service}_DEBUG_LEVEL is not defined then the value of DEBUG_LEVEL is used (or INFO if DEBUG_LEVEL is not defined either).

Access logs are only shown at NOTSET and DEBUG levels.

Configuration file

Each service configuration file has a set of common elements.

kind: ...Config
current-context: allinone
- context:
    port: ...
    host: ... # if exposing user-facing endpoints, otherwise
    ssl_context: disabled
    - /etc/squashtf/*
    enable_insecure_login: true
      token: reuse
    # services:
    #  observer:
    #    endpoint:
    #    token: reuse
  name: allinone

The apiVersion and kind elements are always present. The version may vary over time and the kind varies per service category.

There is a current-context entry, which is the name of a specified context, and there is a contexts entry, which is a list of contexts.

At least one context must be defined, named allinone. This context is selected by the launcher by default.


If a OPENTF_CONTEXT environment variable is defined in the launcher’s environment, each launched service and plugin must have a context with that name. For example, if the OPENTF_CONTEXT environment variable value is alternative, there must exist an alternative context for all services and plugins.

context elements

Each context specifies at least a host and a port. An eventbus entry must also be specified in the context if the service or plugin interacts with the event bus.

There may be a services entry in the context if the service or plugin interacts with other services.

host: a string                               (required)
port: an integer                             (required)
ssl_context: 'adhoc' or 'disabled'           (optional)
trusted_authorities: a list of directories   (optional)
enable_insecure_login: a boolean             (optional, false by default)
insecure_bind_address: a string or a list    (optional)
  • host (required): the host the service will bind to (a hostname or an IP address, for services that provide user-facing endpoints and for those who dont in the default configuration).
  • port (required): the port the service will listen to (a number).
  • ssl_context (optional): either adhoc, a list of two items (certificate file path and private key file path), or disabled.
  • trusted_authorities (optional): a list of public key files and/or directories containing public key files, used for token validation.
    Items are either fully-qualified file names or fully-qualified directory name ending with ‘/*’
  • enable_insecure_login (optional): allow for insecure (token-less) logins, if set to true (by default, insecure logins are disabled).
  • insecure_bind_address (optional, only used if enable_insecure_login is set to true): insecure logins, if enabled, are only allowed from a given address ( by default).

eventbus entry

This context entry is present for all services or plugins interacting with the event bus.

endpoint: a string (an URI)                  (required)
token: a string                              (required)
insecure-skip-tls-verify: a boolean          (optional, false by default)
hostname: a string                           (optional)
port: an integer                             (optional)

services entry

This context entry is present if the service or plugin interacts directly with other services.

endpoint: a string (an URI)                  (required)
token: a string                              (optional)


In the ‘allinone’ image there is only one service that has a services element: the Quality Gate service. This service does not subscribe to any events. It exposes a user-facing endpoint and queries the Observer service.

Command-line options

Services and plugins are typically started by a launcher, but when developing them it may be convenient to start them manually.

usage: {launch command} [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--context CONTEXT] [--host HOST]
                        [--port PORT] [--ssl_context SSL_CONTEXT]
                        [--trusted_authorities TRUSTED_AUTHORITIES]
                        [--insecure_bind_address INSECURE_BIND_ADDRESS]
                        [--authorization_mode AUTHORIZATION_MODE]
                        [--authorization_policy_file AUTHORIZATION_POLICY_FILE]
                        [--token_auth_file TOKEN_AUTH_FILE]
                        [--trustedkeys_auth_file TRUSTEDKEYS_AUTH_FILE]

Create and start a {name} service.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       alternate config file (default to conf/{name}.yaml)
  --context CONTEXT     alternative context
  --host HOST           alternative host
  --port PORT           alternative port
  --ssl_context SSL_CONTEXT, --ssl-context SSL_CONTEXT
                        alternative ssl context
  --trusted_authorities TRUSTED_AUTHORITIES, --trusted-authorities TRUSTED_AUTHORITIES
                        alternative trusted authorities
  --enable_insecure_login, --enable-insecure-login
                        enable insecure login (disabled by default)
  --insecure_bind_address INSECURE_BIND_ADDRESS, --insecure-bind-address INSECURE_BIND_ADDRESS
                        insecure bind address ( by default)
  --authorization_mode AUTHORIZATION_MODE, --authorization-mode AUTHORIZATION_MODE
                        authorization mode, JWT without RBAC if unspecified
  --authorization_policy_file AUTHORIZATION_POLICY_FILE, --authorization-policy-file AUTHORIZATION_POLICY_FILE
                        authorization policies for ABAC
  --token_auth_file TOKEN_AUTH_FILE, --token-auth-file TOKEN_AUTH_FILE
                        authenticated users for ABAC and RBAC
  --trustedkeys_auth_file TRUSTEDKEYS_AUTH_FILE, --trustedkeys-auth-file TRUSTEDKEYS_AUTH_FILE
                        authenticated trusted keys for ABAC and RBAC