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Quality gate

A quality gate is a service that is used to check the quality gate status of workflows. It exposes two user-facing endpoints that can be queried to get quality gate info on workflows.

A quality gate is a set of rules a workflow execution must satisfy.

An implementation may provide a quality gate service.


The quality gate service exposes two endpoints: GET and POST qualitygate.
They return Status messages.

GET qualitygate

The request is a GET type request.

GET /workflows/{workflow_id}/qualitygate[?mode=...|strict|passing]

If mode is not specified, strict is assumed.

The possible return codes are: OK (200), Invalid (422), Unauthorized (401), or NotFound (404).

If the request is accepted (status is Success), details.status must contain the quality gate status for the workflow. That status must be one of:

  • SUCCESS: the workflow has succeeded and passes the quality gate.
  • NOTEST: the workflow has succeeded, but it produced no test result.
  • FAILURE: the workflow has failed, or failed the quality gate.
  • RUNNING: the workflow execution is still ongoing.

POST qualitygate

The request is a POST type request.

curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
      -H "Content-type: application/x-yaml" \
      --data-binary @my_qualitygates.yaml \{workflow_id}/qualitygate?mode=...
curl -X POST ^
      -H "Authorization: Bearer %TOKEN%" ^
      -H "Content-type: application/x-yaml" ^
      --data-binary @my_qualitygates.yaml ^{workflow_id}/qualitygate?mode=...
curl.exe -X POST `
      -H "Authorization: Bearer $Env:TOKEN" `
      -H "Content-type: application/x-yaml" `
      --data-binary '@my_qualitygates.yaml' `{workflow_id}/qualitygate?mode=...

If mode is not specified, Failure is returned.


The quality gate service allows for multiple ‘modes’ (sets of rules). The mode value corresponds to the name of a quality gate in the quality gate definition file. This file may be loaded during the service launch or specified by the user.

Two default modes must be available when sending a request to the GET endpoint: strict and passing.

  • strict means a workflow will pass the quality gate if and only if it has been completed successfully and all test cases were OK. (It implies that a workflow with no test case will pass the quality gate if it has been completed successfully).

  • passing means a workflow will pass the quality gate if it has been completed successfully, even if some test cases were not OK.

If no mode is specified, strict is used.

The POST endpoint accepts as mode only the modes defined in the request payload. If no mode is specified, Failure is returned.

An implementation may propose additional modes.

Workflow statuses examples

This is a status manifest for a workflow with at least one failed test, using the passing mode. As long as the workflow has been completed successfully, it will pass the quality gate:

curl \
    "kind": "Status",
    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "metadata": {},
    "status": "Success",
    "message": "",
    "details": {
        "status": "SUCCESS"
    "code": 200,

This is a status manifest for the same workflow, using the default (strict) mode. As it has at least one failed test, it fails that quality gate:

curl \
    "kind": "Status",
    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "metadata": {},
    "status": "Success",
    "message": "",
    "details": {
        "status": "FAILURE"
    "code": 200,