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Advanced commands

The opentf-ctl tool also provides a set of commands to manage namespaces and subscriptions. You can list accessible namespaces, list subscriptions, and cancel an active subscription.

get namespaces

This command lists namespaces the token can access. It is most useful when namespaces are enabled.

opentf-ctl get namespaces

A * means the token has access to all namespaces. Otherwise, the token can access all listed namespaces. A token can have access to no namespaces.

A common use case is to check the access rights of a token. You do not have to adjust your opentfconfig configuration file, you can use the --token optional global parameter:

opentf-ctl get namespaces -l verb==create,resource==workflows --token=$TOKEN
opentf-ctl get namespaces --selector=verb==create,resource==workflows --token=$TOKEN

Optional parameters

The get namespaces command allows for one additional optional parameter:

--selector={s} or -l {s}  # selector (query) to filter on, supports 'resource=='
                          # and 'verb==', both required when specifying a selector.

The possible values for verb are list, get, create, and delete. The possible values for resource are agents, channelhandlers, channels, qualitygates, status, subscriptions, and workflows.

If the --selector optional parameter is specified, it must specify a resource value as well as a verb value.

It only shows the namespaces the specified operation is allowed on.

Using selectors

This first command lists the namespaces you can run workflows on (that is, where you can use run workflow):

opentf-ctl get namespaces -l verb==create,resource==workflows
opentf-ctl get namespaces --selector=verb==create,resource==workflows

This second command lists the namespaces you can get workflows on (that is, where you can use get workflows and get workflow):

opentf-ctl get namespaces -l verb==get,resource==workflows
opentf-ctl get namespaces --selector=verb==get,resource==workflows

get subscriptions

This command lists active subscriptions on the event bus.

opentf-ctl get subscriptions
NAME            ENDPOINT                     CREATION                COUNT  SUBSCRIPTION
actionprovider  2021-12-14T14:50:57.12  20     ","
junit   2021-12-14T14:50:57.79  0      ",,"
actionprovider  2021-12-14T14:50:57.44  0      ","
localcleaner  2021-12-14T14:50:55.86  0      kind==WorkflowCanceled:
observer  2021-12-14T14:50:55.21  4      "kind==Workflow,"
observer  2021-12-14T14:50:56.46  0      "kind==GeneratorCommand,"
robotframework  2021-12-14T14:50:57.46  0      "kind==ProviderCommand,,,"
actionprovider  2021-12-14T14:50:57.60  0      ","
robotframework  2021-12-14T14:50:57.05  4      "kind==ProviderCommand,,,"
junit   2021-12-14T14:50:57.89  0      ",,"

The first item is the service name, the second item is the service endpoint, the third item is the subscription date, the fourth item is the number of events sent for this subscription, and the last item is the subscription detail (the kind of events that match the subscription).

Optional parameters

The get subscriptions command allows for one additional optional parameter:

--output=wide or -o wide                        # show additional information
--output=custom-columns= or -o custom-columns=  # show specified information
--output=json or -o json                        # show information in JSON format
--output=yaml or -o yaml                        # show information in YAML format
--selector={s} or -l {s}                        # filter the output on label selector(s)
--field-selector={s}                            # filter the output on field selector(s)

You can only specify one output format at a time. Please refer to “Output formats” for more information.

For more information on selectors, see “selectors.”

Wide view

This option shows the default columns, as above, plus the subscription ID.

opentf-ctl get subscriptions -o wide
ID                                    NAME            ENDPOINT                     CREATION                COUNT  SUBSCRIPTION
08831072-a070-4438-a6d2-cd51b05a8f1d  actionprovider  2021-12-14T14:50:57.12  20     ","

Custom view

If this optional parameter is specified, you can choose what is displayed for each registered agent.

The columns definition format is as follows: name:value[,name:value]*. name is the column name in the output (such as NAME in the example above). value is the path to the information in the service subscription schema.

The following values are supported:

  • .metadata.creationTimestamp
  • .metadata.annotations
  • .metadata.subscription_id
  • .spec.subscriber.endpoint
  • .status.publicationCount
opentf-ctl get subscriptions

Using selectors

By default the get subscriptions command lists all subscriptions.

The command output may be restricted by using the --selector and --field-selector options. For example, you may restrict command output to show only quarantined subscriptions:

opentf-ctl get subscriptions --field-selector=status.quarantine!=0
NAME      ENDPOINT                      CREATION                    COUNT  SUBSCRIPTIONS
observer   2023-09-19T12:42:31.183226  0      ["kind==ProviderCommand,"]

You can combine selectors with output format.

For more information on selectors, see “selectors.”

delete subscription {subscription_id}

This command cancels an active subscription on the event bus.

opentf-ctl delete subscription 08831072-a070-4438-a6d2-cd51b05a8f1d --context allinone
opentf-ctl delete subscription 08831072 c07d0ac5
opentf-ctl delete subscription --all

You can specify partial subscription IDs, as long as they are unique (if they are not, a message is displayed and the ambiguous subscriptions are not canceled).

If publications matching this subscription were already queued, the event bus may still attempt to dispatch them to the canceled subscription.

Optional parameters

The delete subscription command allows for additional optional parameters:

--all                               # delete all subscriptions
--selector={s} or -l {s}            # delete subscriptions based on label selector(s)
--field-selector={s}                # delete subscriptions based on field selector(s)

You cannot mix --all with --selector or --field-selector, and you cannot use those options when specifying subscription IDs.

For more information on selectors, see “selectors.”