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This plugin provides functions that handle Playwright tests. It has been validated with version 1.41 and should work with any recent version of Playwright.

It can be used directly in a workflow, or indirectly via generators (such as those providing access to test case managers).

A working Playwright Node.js global installation must be available in the targeted execution environments.

The functions have a playwright category prefix.



Run a Playwright test suite(s) or test case(s).

You can use the extra-options input to pass additional parameters to the npx playwright test command.

If the function is not preceded by a repository checkout (actions/checkout@v2), the working-directory keyword must be used to indicate the directory where the Playwright project folder is stored.


The function has the following inputs:

  • test (required)

    The test reference. Playwright handles it as a regular expression, but it is up to the caller to adapt the reference to the execution environment.

  • grep (optional)

    The regular expression to filter executed tests. This expression is quoted by default, but it is up to the caller to adapt it to the execution environment. If the expression is quoted by the caller, it will be de-quoted and then re-quoted according to the execution environment, with only the outermost quotes being removed.

  • browser (optional)

    Run test in a specific browser. Available options are “chromium”, “firefox”, “webkit” or “all” to run tests in all three browsers at the same time.

  • reporters (optional)

    The list of desired reporters, if any (the list may be empty). The possible reporters are: - JUnit (noted junit, generating a pw_junit_report.xml report). - HTML (noted html, generating an index.html report). Any, all, or none of those reporters can be added to the list of desired generated reports.

    Note that reporters specified via this option override reporters specified on the project configuration level.

  • extra-options (optional)

    Specify additional parameters to pass to Playwright.

    There is a list of possible command line options you can find on the Command line chapter of the Playwright documentation.

    Pay attention not to pass --reporter option when using reporters input: it creates a workflow execution error.


The function generates the following reports:

  • pw_junit_report.xml

    The Playwright test execution JUnit report.

    It has the application/vnd.opentestfactory.playwright-output+xml content type.

  • index.html

    The Playwright test execution HTML report.

    It has the application/vnd.opentestfactory.playwright-output+html content type.


This first example runs all tests in the example.spec.ts test suite and attaches both JUnit and HTML reports to the execution.

- uses: playwright/npx@v1
    test: my_pw_project/tests/example.spec.ts
    reporters: ['junit', 'html']
  working-directory: /path/to/my/projects

This second example runs only tests having “should open” in their title from the sample.spec.ts test suite in Chromium. A HTML report is attached to the execution:

- uses: playwright/npx@v1
    test: my_pw_project/tests/sample.spec.ts
    grep: should open
    browser: chromium
    reporters: ['html']

This third example lists all tests from the test suites in my_pw_project/tests_2 directory without executing them:

- uses: playwright/npx@v1
    test: my_pw_project/tests_2/*.spec.ts
    extra-options: --list


An execute function for use by generators. Runs a test suite or a test case in a test suite.

Test Reference format

The test reference format used by playwright/execute@v1 is as follows:

  • {project}[/{directory}]#{specfile}[#{grep}]


  • {project} (required): name of the project on the source code repository.
  • {directory} (optional): path to the {specfile} from the root of the project.
  • {specfile} (required): name of the .spec.ts test suite file to execute.
  • {grep} (optional): regular expression to filter executed test cases against.


Playwright handles specfile and grep as regex patterns. It is up to the user to provide correct patterns depending on the execution environment. The grep is quoted by default. If the expression is quoted by the caller, it will be de-quoted and then re-quoted according to the execution environment, with only the outermost quotes being removed.


The function has the following inputs:

  • test (required)

    The test reference.


The function generates the following reports:

  • pw_junit_report.xml

    The Playwright test execution JUnit report.

    It has the application/vnd.opentestfactory.playwright-output+xml content type.

  • index.html

    The Playwright test execution HTML report.

    It has the application/vnd.opentestfactory.playwright-output+html content type.

Configuration file

By default, the Playwright test runner executes tests from outside the {project} directory (at n-1 level), so it does not automatically consider any project-specific configuration file. If you want to specify the configuration file to use, you can pass it to the PLAYWRIGHT_EXTRA_OPTIONS environment variable in your workflow:

name: Playwright provider references test
    runs-on: [playwright, linux]
        value: --config my_pw_project/playwright.config.ts
    - uses: playwright/execute@v1
        test: my_pw_project/tests#example.spec.ts#has title

Alternatively, you can use working-directory parameter to indicate where the runner should execute the tests. If this directory contains a configuration file, it will be used by the runner:

- uses: playwright/execute@v1
    test: my_pw_project/tests#example.spec.ts#has title
  working-directory: my_pw_project


testDir parameter in the configuration file limits test execution scope. If it differs from the test reference {directory} parameter, tests may not be executed.


The PLAYWRIGHT_EXTRA_OPTIONS environment variable can be used to pass additional parameters to the npx playwright test command.

If defined it will be appended to the end of command line.

The following parameters and Playwright-specific environment variables are used in the provider-generated npx playwright test command:

export PLAYWRIGHT_HTML_REPORT=playwright-report \
export PLAYWRIGHT_JUNIT_OUTPUT_NAME=pw_junit_report.xml \
npx playwright test {project}[/{directory}]/{specfile} \
  --grep="{grep}" \
  --reporter=html,junit \

You must avoid passing, via the PLAYWRIGHT_EXTRA_OPTIONS variable, the command line parameters that conflict with the parameters already used, or the parameters that impact the generation or alter the path of the reports expected by the orchestrator (view “Reports” section).


This first example runs example.spec.ts test suite at the root of the project:

- uses: playwright/execute@v1
    test: my_pw_project#example.spec.ts

This second example runs all test suites in my_pw_project project data2 directory:

- uses: playwright/execute@v1
    test: my_pw_project/data2#*

This third example runs all test cases containing “should fail” in their name from the sample.spec.ts test suite in the project foo directory:

- uses: playwright/execute@v1
    test: my_pw_project/foo#samples.spec.ts#should fail


A params function for use by generators.


The function has the following inputs:

  • data (required)

    The data to use for the automated test.

  • format (required)

    The format to use for the automated test data.

    format must so far be SQUASHTM_FORMAT (


- uses: playwright/params@v1
        key1: value1
        key2: value2
        key1: value3
        key3: value4
    format: format

format must so far be SQUASHTM_FORMAT (

data can have two keys:

  • global for defining global parameters.
  • test for defining test parameters.


Hooks can be defined for the provided functions. This can be done in workflow definitions or at the orchestrator level so that they apply to all your workflows.

Configuration at the orchestrator level is done by setting the PLAYWRIGHT_PROVIDER_HOOKS environment variable.

Please refer to “Common Provider Settings” for more information.