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Robot Framework Environment

In order to simplify the execution of Robot Framework tests, OpenTestFactory proposes a Docker image of such an execution environment: opentestfactory/robot-framework-runner.

Image content

Robot Framework libraries


  • Xvfb
  • openssh-server
  • x11vnc

Using the image

User profile

The image is designed to support running tests as otf. Running tests as root or any other non-otf will result in issues.

Starting the image

docker run -d \
  --name robotenv \
  --env PASSWORD_ACCESS=true \
  --env USER_PASSWORD=<secret password> \

Note: If USER_PASSWORD is not specified, the default password is otf.

Running a test via ssh

(We assume the test is accessible from within the image.)

ssh otf@<IP of the container> robot test_example.robot

The ssh port is 22 by default. Use the SSHD_PORT environment variable to change this value: docker run -d … --env SSHD_PORT=<your-port> … to change it.


When using ssh or docker exec to run a test, the display 99 is loaded.

Using Chromium browser

Browser Library is built on top of Playwright. In order to be able to test with Chromium and Playwright inside a container, using a seccomp profile security settings is recommended. The seccomp_profile.json can be retrieved here. Some explanations can be found in Playwright documentation.

Note: A seccomp profile is a security feature in Linux that restricts the system calls a process can make, effectively reducing the attack surface and preventing malicious or unintended actions.

Using seccomp profile with Docker

Seccomp profile can be added with the --security-opt seccomp=seccomp_profile.json flag. (Docker documentation)

Using --ipc=host is recommended, otherwise Chromium may run out of memory.

Docker CLI example:

docker run -d \
  --name robotenv \
  --env PASSWORD_ACCESS=true \
  --env USER_PASSWORD=<secret password> \
  --ipc=host \
  --security-opt seccomp=path/to/seccomp_profile.json \

Using seccomp profile with Kubernetes

Seccomp profile can be applied in Kubernetes. More detail of installation on the seccomp tutorial documentation.

On cloud managed instance, adding the file on the node instance is not directly possible. To work around the limitation, the seccomp_profile.json file is loaded inside an image used as an initContainer.

An image with a seccomp_profile.json is available on the dockerhub opentestfactory/robot-framework-seccomp-profile repository. (not maintained)

Kubernetes manifest example:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: example
      - env:
        image: opentestfactory/robot-framework-runner
        name: ssh-robotfw
              type: Localhost
              localhostProfile: seccomp_profile.json # <-- Add the seccomp profile file here
        - name: seccomp-profiles
          hostPath: # <-- Mount the file on the host node
            path: /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp 
        - name: seccomp-profile-initializer
          image: opentestfactory/robot-framework-seccomp-profile
            allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
            # run as root user
            runAsUser: 0
            runAsGroup: 0
          command: ["/bin/sh"]
          args: ["-c","cp seccomp_profile.json /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp/seccomp_profile.json"]
            - mountPath: /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp
              name: seccomp-profiles