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Publishing Results

Sometimes, you may need to export the workflow execution results. The orchestrator includes three publisher plugins that allow to upload reports, attachments, and quality gate results locally or to external resources: the tracker publisher, the local publisher, and the S3 publisher.

Tracker Publisher

The tracker publisher plugin allows you to apply the quality gate to the successfully completed workflow and publish the quality gate results to an issue tracker. Presently, it supports publishing to the GitLab issues and merge requests.

The tracker publisher only handles workflows with specific labels in their metadata and needs a tracker instances file to run.

Instances File

To set up the tracker publisher plugin, you need to create an ‘instances’ configuration file. It is a YAML file containing at least one instance and a default instance name. The instances file structure is described in detail under Tracker publisher configuration

A tracker instance is defined by four mandatory parameters: name, type, keep-history and endpoint. It can also include token and default-qualitygate parameters.

In this example, the instances file contains one instance with an authentication token and default quality gate to apply to the workflow results. This instance is a GitLab instance (currently the only supported instance type). When using this instance to post the quality gate results, the most recent results for a given quality gate will be updated, as the keep-history parameter is set to false.

default-instance: main.instance

- name: main.instance
  type: gitlab
  keep-history: false
  token: gl-xYz3920Nd9191
  default-qualitygate: my.quality.gate

To use the tracker publisher plugin, you need to pass your instances file path to the environment variable TRACKERPUBLISHER_INSTANCES when launching the orchestrator or tracker publisher plugin.

Workflow Labels

If you want the workflow execution results to be handled by the tracker publisher, you must add some tracker-specific labels under metadata.labels section. The following labels are recognized:

Label Value Required
gitlab/project-id ID of the related project. If project-path is not specified.
gitlab/project-path Path of the related project. If project-id is not specified.
gitlab/issue-iid IID of the issue the results will be published to. If mr-iid is not specified.
gitlab/mr-iid IID of the merge request the results will be published to. If issue-iid is not specified.
gitlab/keep-history If true, the previous results for a given quality gate are kept. Yes
gitlab/label Prefix of the label to add to the publication target. No
gitlab/instance Name of the instance from the instances file. No
qualitygate-mode Quality gate to apply to the workflow. No

gitlab/project-id or gitlab/project-path and gitlab/issue-iid or gitlab/mr-iid are mandatory. If gitlab/instance is not set, the default-instance from the tracker instances file will be used. You may also explicitly pass the value default to the gitlab/instance label.

You can use both gitlab/issue-iid and gitlab/mr-iid labels if you want the quality gate results to be simultaneously published to an issue and a merge request.

gitlab/label allows to add a label containing the quality gate status to the publication target. You need first to create the labels {prefix}:Passed, {prefix}:Failed and {prefix}:No test in the related GitLab project, then pass the {prefix} value to the gitlab/label.

qualitygate-mode is the name of the quality gate to apply. If not set, the default quality gate of the defined instance (from the ‘instances’ file) will be used. If the defined instance does not have a quality gate defined, it will default to strict.

Example of a GitLab Publisher Handled Workflow Labels

The workflow with those labels in metadata will be handled by GitLab publisher when successfully completed. First the quality gate daily.quality.gate will be applied, then its results will be published to the specified GitLab instance, project and issue, updating the most recent daily.quality.gate results. (Please note that the issue-iid, mr-iid and keep-history values needs to be quoted to be correctly interpreted by the plugin.)

    gitlab/project-id: '27398247' # or `gitlab/project-path: my/project/path`
    gitlab/issue-iid: '45'
    gitlab/instance: main.instance # or `gitlab/instance: default`
    gitlab/keep-history: 'false'
    qualitygate-mode: daily.quality.gate

Local Publisher

The local publisher plugin uploads reports and attachments to a target directory, which may be mounted.

Enabling the Plugin

The local publisher plugin is disabled by default, as it requires you to define a target directory.

To enable the plugin, you need to edit the orchestrator instance configuration file /app/squashtf.yaml:

eventbus: python3 -m opentf.core.eventbus
- ${{ CORE }}/core
- ${{ CORE }}/plugins
- /app/plugins
- dummyee
- HelloWorld
- localpublisher

Just remove localpublisher from the disabled services list and save the file. Before relaunching the services, you must also define a target directory to which the plugin will upload reports and attachments.

Defining a Target Directory

To define a target directory for the Local publisher plugin, open its configuration file (localpublisher.yaml by default) and change the value of the target entry:

- context:
    port: 7783
    ssl_context: disabled
    - /etc/squashtf/*
    logfile: localpublisher.log
    enable_insecure_login: true
      token: reuse
    target: /app/data # change to /path/to/your/target/directory
  name: allinone

Restart the orchestrator. Workflow attachments will now be stored in the defined directory, under a {workflow_id}/{filename} key.

This directory is typically a mount point, linked to an external volume.

S3 Publisher

The S3 publisher plugin uploads reports and attachments to any S3-compatible bucket.

It is enabled by default but will do nothing until you define S3 credentials and a target bucket.

Defining Target Bucket and S3 Credentials

To define a target bucket that will be used by the S3 publisher, as well as S3 credentials file path, you need to modify the plugin configuration file: s3publisher.yaml by default.

In this file, you need to change the values of two entries: bucket and s3credentials:

- context:
    port: 7787
    ssl_context: disabled
    - /etc/squashtf/*
    logfile: s3publisher.log
    enable_insecure_login: true
      token: reuse
    bucket: example
    s3credentials: /app/s3publisher/s3credentials.json
  name: allinone

Replace the bucket entry value with the target bucket name. Attachments will be stored in this bucket under a {workflow_id}/{filename} key.

Replace the s3credentials entry value with the S3 credentials file path. This file must contain 4 entries: region_name, endpoint_url, aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key.

  "region_name": "fr-par",
  "endpoint_url": "",
  "aws_access_key_id": "my_access_key_id",
  "aws_secret_access_key": "my_secret_access_key"

Restart the plugin. If you have provided the proper set of credentials, the workflow attachments will now be stored in the specified bucket. If the credentials file changes, the plugin will detect the changes: there is no need to restart it.

Next Steps

Here are some helpful resources for taking your next steps with publishing your workflow execution results:

  • Tracker publisher” for more information on how to configure the tracker publisher plugin
  • Local publisher” for more information on how to configure the local publisher plugin
  • S3 publisher” for more information on how to configure the S3 publisher plugin