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The ‘allinone’ image

Getting started

The OpenTestFactory orchestrator is a set of services running together. They may or may not run on the same machine, and they may or may not start at the same time.

The only prerequisite is that the EventBus, the service they use to communicate together, is available when they launch.

To ease the installation of the orchestrator, an ‘allinone’ docker image is provided on It contains all core services.

The most current stable image is opentestfactory/allinone:latest. If you want a specific version, you can use a specific tag such as 2022-05.

To get the latest image, use the following command:

docker pull opentestfactory/allinone:latest

If you want to use a specific distribution based on the OpenTestFactory image you can replace opentestfactory/allinone:latest with that distribution image in the examples below. They may provide additional configuration parameters, but they should support the ones described here.

An example of such a specific distribution is squashtest/squash-orchestrator which comes with additional plugins to integrate with the Squash TM test management system.

Using the ‘allinone’ image

You must configure three things when using the ‘allinone’ image:

  1. Startup
  2. Trusted Keys
  3. Plugins

Once you have completed those configuration steps, you can start your orchestrator and it will be ready to use.


By default, the ‘allinone’ image will start the core services and all plugins it can find in the core and in the /app/plugins directory (and subdirectories).

Three demonstration plugins that are part of the ‘allinone’ image are disabled by default:

  • dummyee
  • HelloWorld
  • localpublisher

Configuration file

You can override those defaults by providing an alternative /app/squashtf.yaml configuration file.

Here is the default one:

# squashtf.yaml
eventbus: python -m opentf.core.eventbus
- ${{ CORE }}/core
- ${{ CORE }}/plugins
- /app/plugins
- cucumber
- cypress
- robotframework
- junit
- postman
- skf
- soapui
- dummyee
- HelloWorld
- localpublisher

If you have plugins installed in another location, add this location in the plugins section.

Services in the aggregated list are not individually started, but are expected to be started by an aggregation service.

If you want to enable or disable any of those plugins, remove or add their names in the disabled section.

Plugins included in the ‘allinone’ docker image

Here is the list of the plugins included in the ‘allinone’ image.

Name Type Description
agentchannel Channel handler Handle agent-based execution environments
inceptionee Channel handler Handle the ‘inception’ execution environment
sshchannel Channel handler Handle SSH-based execution environments
actionprovider Provider Provide common Workflow functions
cucumber Provider Handle Cucumber interactions
cypress Provider Handle Cypress interactions
junit Provider Handle JUnit interactions
postman Provider Handle Postman interactions
robotframework Provider Handle Robot Framework interactions
skf Provider Handle SKF (Squash Keyword Framework) interactions
soapui Provider Handle SoapUI interactions
allure.collector Collector Handle Allure Report generation
result.aggregator Collector (Allure Report helper service)
insightcollector Collector Handle Execution log generation
s3publisher Publisher Publish results to a S3 bucket
localpublisher Publisher Publish results to a local directory
interpreter Parser Parse reports

The actionprovider plugin is used by most provider plugins, disabling it may break them.

The default image also includes a service that can be disabled if you have no use for it. This service consumes events produced by report parsers.

Name Description
QualityGate Service

Here is an example of mounting your configuration file:

docker run -d \
           ... \
           -v /path/to/my_squashtf.yaml:/app/squashtf.yaml \
docker run -d ^
           ... ^
           -v d:\path\to\my_squashtf.yaml:/app/squashtf.yaml ^
docker run -d `
           ... `
           -v d:\path\to\my_squashtf.yaml:/app/squashtf.yaml `

Environment variables

You can specify the following environment variables for the reference image:

Environment variable Description Default value
DEBUG_LEVEL Logging level for core services and plugins INFO
{service}_DEBUG_LEVEL Logging level for a specific service or plugin (unset)
OPENTF_AUTHORIZATION_POLICY_FILE Policy file to use for ABAC (unset)
OPENTF_TOKEN_AUTH_FILE Static token file for ABAC (unset)
OPENTF_TRUSTEDKEYS_AUTH_FILE Namespaces / trusted keys mapping file for JWT (unset)
OPENTF_BASE_URL Reverse proxy configuration (unset)
OPENTF_{service}_BASE_URL Reverse proxy configuration (unset)
OPENTF_REVERSEPROXY Reverse proxy configuration (unset)
HTTP_PROXY Proxy to use for HTTP requests (unset)
HTTPS_PROXY Proxy to use for HTTPS requests (unset)
NO_PROXY Proxy bypass (unset)
CURL_CA_BUNDLE Trusted certificates (for self-signed certs) (unset)
PUBLIC_KEY Trusted key to use to authenticate requests (unset)
SSH_CHANNEL_POOLS Pools definitions (unset)
SSH_CHANNEL_HOST Execution environment hostname (unset)
SSH_CHANNEL_PORT Execution environment access port (unset)
SSH_CHANNEL_USER Execution environment username (unset)
SSH_CHANNEL_TAGS Execution environment tags (unset)
SSH_CHANNEL_PASSWORD Execution environment password (unset)
{provider}_PROVIDER_HOOKS Provider hooks definitions (unset)
{channel handler}_CHANNEL_HOOKS Channel handler hooks definitions (unset)
QUALITYGATE_DEFINITIONS Quality gate definitions (unset)
INTERPRETER_CUSTOM_RULES Custom interpreter rules definitions (unset)
OBSERVER_RETENTION_POLICY Observer retention policy (unset)
TRACKERPUBLISHER_INSTANCES Tracker publisher instances definitions (unset)
Advanced launcher environment variables

The following additional environment variables are typically not needed for regular use. They are provided for advanced use cases.

Environment variable Description Default value
OPENTF_DEBUG (or simply DEBUG) Enable debug mode for the launcher (unset)
OPENTF_HEALTHCHECK_DELAY Launcher watchdog configuration 60
OPENTF_LAUNCHERMANIFEST Launcher configuration definition squashtf.yaml
OPENTF_CONTEXT Configuration context allinone
OPENTF_PLUGINDESCRIPTOR Plugins descriptors names plugin.yaml
OPENTF_SERVICEDESCRIPTOR Services descriptors names service.yaml
OPENTF_EVENTBUS_WARMUPDELAY Event bus readiness checks 2
OPENTF_EVENTBUS_WARMUPURL Event bus readiness checks
OPENTF_EVENTBUSCONFIG Event bus configuration conf/eventbus.yaml

You can set the DEBUG or OPENTF_DEBUG environment variable to display debug information in the console for the launcher. It can be useful if you want to investigate the startup process. Setting the DEBUG or OPENTF_DEBUG environment variable does not enable debug-level logs for the launched services.

The OPENTF_HEALTHCHECK_DELAY environment variables specifies how often the launcher checks the health of the services and plugins. It defaults to 60 seconds.

The OPENTF_LAUNCHERMANIFEST environment variable specifies the launcher configuration definition file to use, relative to the current launcher’s directory. It defaults to squashtf.yaml.

If the OPENTF_CONTEXT environment variable is defined, it will override the context used to start the services and plugins. If the environment variable is not set, the allinone context will be used.

The OPENTF_PLUGINDESCRIPTOR and OPENTF_SERVICEDESCRIPTOR environment variables specify the plugins and services descriptors names to use. They default to plugin.yaml and service.yaml respectively. Changing those values will break the default allinone Docker image.

The OPENTF_EVENTBUS_WARMUPDELAY and OPENTF_EVENTBUS_WARMUPURL environment variables specify how long the launcher waits for the event bus to be ready and the URL to use to check its readiness. They default to 2 seconds and

The OPENTF_EVENTBUSCONFIG environment variable specifies the event bus configuration file to use, relative to the current launcher’s directory. It defaults to conf/eventbus.yaml.

You can set the {service}_DEBUG_LEVEL (all upper-cased) and DEBUG_LEVEL environment variables to DEBUG to add additional information in the console for the launched services. It defaults to INFO. (Please note that setting DEBUG_LEVEL to DEBUG will produce tons of logs.)

The possible values for {service}_DEBUG_LEVEL and DEBUG_LEVEL are NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL. Those values are from the most verbose, NOTSET, which shows all logs, to the least verbose, FATAL, which only shows fatal errors.

For a given service, if {service}_DEBUG_LEVEL is not defined then the value of DEBUG_LEVEL is used (or INFO if DEBUG_LEVEL is not defined either).

The OPENTF_AUTHORIZATION_MODE, OPENTF_AUTHORIZATION_POLICY_FILE, OPENTF_TOKEN_AUTH_FILE, and OPENTF_TRUSTEDKEYS_AUTH_FILE environment variables together allow configuring authenticating and authorizing. Please refer to “Authenticating” for more information.

If those variables remain unset, the default JWT-based access control mode is used.

The OPENTF_BASE_URL, OPENTF_{service}_BASE_URL, and OPENTF_REVERSEPROXY environment variables allow configuring the orchestrator if it is behind one or more proxies. Please refer to “Installing behind a reverse proxy” for more information.

The HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY environment variables define the proxy configuration the orchestrator services must use to access external services. Please note that you may also need to define the proxy configuration to use in your execution environment(s).

The CURL_CA_BUNDLE environment variable allows defining a certificate authority bundle if self-signed certificates are used in your work environment.

The PUBLIC_KEY environment variable is an uncomplicated way to provide one trusted key to the orchestrator. Tokens verified by this public key will have unrestricted access to the default namespace. Please refer to “Providing your own trusted key through the PUBLIC_KEY environment variable” below for more information.

The SSH_* environment variables are used to configure the SSH channel plugin. Please refer to “SSH Channel Configuration” for more information.

The {provider}_PROVIDER_HOOKS environment variables (all upper-cased), if defined, are used by the corresponding provider plugins to read their hooks definitions. Please refer to “Common provider settings” for more information.

The {channel handler}_CHANNEL_HOOKS environment variables (all upper-cased), if defined, are used by the corresponding channel handlers to read their hooks definitions. Please refer to “Agent Channel plugin” and “SSH Channel plugin” for more information.

The QUALITYGATE_DEFINITIONS environment variable, if defined, is used to configure the quality gate plugin. Please refer to “Quality Gate service” for more information.

The INTERPRETER_CUSTOM_RULES environment variable, if defined, is used to configure the Surefire interpreter plugin. Please refer to “Surefire parser service” for more information.

The OBSERVER_RETENTION_POLICY environment variable, if defined, is used to configure the observer retention policy. Please refer to “Observer service” for more information.

The TRACKERPUBLISHER_INSTANCES environment variable, if defined, is used to configure the tracker publisher plugin. Please refer to “Tracker Publisher plugin” for more information.

Those environment variables are provided to your orchestrator image in the usual way:

docker run -d \
           --name orchestrator \
           -e PUBLIC_KEY="ssh-rsa AAA..." \
           -e DEBUG_LEVEL=DEBUG \
docker run -d ^
           --name orchestrator ^
           -e PUBLIC_KEY="ssh-rsa AAA..." ^
           -e DEBUG_LEVEL=DEBUG ^
docker run -d `
           --name orchestrator `
           -e PUBLIC_KEY="ssh-rsa AAA..." `
           -e DEBUG_LEVEL=DEBUG `

Ports mapping

The orchestrator exposes ports so that clients can access them. Here is the list of ports exposed by the reference image:

  • receptionist (port 7774)
  • observer (port 7775)
  • killswitch (port 7776)
  • insightcollector (port 7796)
  • eventbus (port 38368)
  • qualitygate (port 12312)
  • localstore (port 34537)
  • agentchannel (port 24368)

The first three ports must always be mapped: they are the orchestrator entry points.

The fourth port, the insightcollector, should be mapped if you want to generate reports with the opentf-ctl generate report ... using command.

The fourth port, the eventbus, should be mapped if you want to deploy additional plugins in other images or locations.

The fifth port, the qualitygate, should be mapped if you want to use the quality gate service.

The sixth port, the localstore, should be mapped if you want to retrieve workflow attachments with the opentf-ctl cp command.

The last port, the agent channel, should be mapped if you want to use agent-based execution environments. It should not be mapped if you do not intend to use such execution environments.

Here is an example mapping the core and agent channel ports:

docker run -d \
           --name orchestrator \
           -p 7774:7774 \
           -p 7775:7775 \
           -p 7776:7776 \
           -p 24368:24368 \
docker run -d ^
           --name orchestrator ^
           -p 7774:7774 ^
           -p 7775:7775 ^
           -p 7776:7776 ^
           -p 24368:24368 ^
docker run -d `
           --name orchestrator `
           -p 7774:7774 `
           -p 7775:7775 `
           -p 7776:7776 `
           -p 24368:24368 `

Trusted Keys

To send requests to the exposed services, you need a signed JWT token.

You can let the orchestrator create a JWT token for you (fine for testing, but do not use this in a production environment, as it is recreated whenever you restart the orchestrator) or provide your trusted key(s) and create your own JWT tokens.

  • Getting the created JWT token

    A unique JWT token is created only if no trusted key is provided. The orchestrator will generate a temporary private key, create and sign a JWT token using it, and then use the corresponding public key as its only trusted key. The temporary private key is not kept anywhere.

    The created JWT token is displayed in the logs of the orchestrator. Look for "Creating temporary JWT token":

    docker logs orchestrator 2>&1 \
        | grep --after-context=10 "Creating temporary JWT token"
    :: CMD does not display context around a pattern, so the easiest way is
    :: to use the `more` command to display the log page per page.  The
    :: token is typically in the first few pages.
    docker logs orchestrator 2>&1 | more
    docker logs orchestrator 2>&1 `
        | Select-String -Pattern 'Creating temporary JWT token' -Context 1,10

    A different JWT token will be created each time the orchestrator is started. This token has unrestricted access to the default namespace.

    Do not use this created JWT token in a production environment.

  • Providing your own trusted key through the PUBLIC_KEY environment variable

    If you only intend to use one trusted key, you can provide it through the PUBLIC_KEY environment variable, which then must contain the public key in SSH format. It looks like this:

    type-name base64-encoded-ssh-public-key [comment]

    Here is an example of passing a public key through the PUBLIC_KEY variable:

    docker run ... \
               -e PUBLIC_KEY="ssh-rsa AAA..." \
    docker run ... ^
               -e PUBLIC_KEY="ssh-rsa AAA..." ^
    docker run ... `
               -e PUBLIC_KEY="ssh-rsa AAA..." `

    Tokens verified by this key will have unrestricted access to the default namespace.


    If your public key starts with something like -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----, you need to convert it. Assuming your public key is in the file, the following command will convert it to the proper format:

    ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f
  • Providing your own trusted keys through files

    If you intend to use multiple trusted keys, you must provide them through the file system.

    Your trusted key(s) should be in the orchestrator’s /etc/squashtf directory. The easiest way is to put them in a volume and mount it on /etc/squashtf.

    If your public keys are in a trusted_keys directory, here is an example of mounting it (all files in this directory will be available to the orchestrator, be sure to put your private keys elsewhere):

    docker run ... \
               -v /path/to/trusted_keys:/etc/squashtf \
    docker run ... ^
               -v d:\path\to\trusted_keys:/etc/squashtf ^
    docker run ... `
               -v d:\path\to\trusted_keys:/etc/squashtf `

    If you only have one public key, and if you do not want to pass it via an environment variable, you can mount it directly. Here is an example of mounting a single public key:

    docker run ... \
               -v /path/to/ \
    docker run ... ^
               -v d:\path\to\ ^
    docker run ... `
               -v d:\path\to\ `

    Tokens verified by those keys will have unrestricted access to the default namespace, but this can be changed if you enable access control on your instance.

Generating private and public keys

If you want to use your own trusted key(s), you can use already generated private and public keys or use the following commands to generate them:

openssl genrsa -out trusted_key.pem 4096
openssl rsa -pubout -in trusted_key.pem -out

Creating JWT tokens

The orchestrator validates tokens according to its known trusted keys (it will try each key if more than one is supplied until it finds one that validates the token).

It uses the sub and exp claims in the payload and rejects tokens that are past their expiration time if one is specified in the token.

To create JWT tokens from a private key, you can use opentf-ctl, a Python script, or any other JWT token creator of your liking. The token must have an iss and a sub entry and may contain additional entries.

opentf-ctl generate token using trusted_key.pem

It will interactively prompt for the needed information.

If you do not have access to a JWT creator tool or cannot install the opentf-ctl tool, but still have access to Python, you can use the following Python script (be sure to install the PyJWT[crypto] library, using for example pip install PyJWT[crypto]):

import jwt  # requires PyJWT[crypto]

ISSUER = 'your company'
USER = 'your name'

with open('trusted_key.pem', 'r') as f: pem =
with open('', 'r') as f: pub=

# create a signed token
token = jwt.encode({'iss': ISSUER, 'sub': USER}, pem, algorithm='RS512')

# verify it
payload = jwt.decode(token, pub, algorithms=['RS512'])


Most plugins do not need specific configuration, but those that must access external resources do.

In the core plugins, the SSH channel plugin (and the S3 publisher plugin if you use it) must be configured.

Here are their respective detailed configuration documentations:

SSH Channel Configuration

If you do not intend to use an SSH-accessible execution environment, but instead only use agent-based execution environments, you do not have to configure the SSH Channel plugin.

If you intend to use just one SSH-accessible execution environment, you can simply specify it through environment variables.

  • SSH_CHANNEL_HOST: required, either a hostname or an IP address.
  • SSH_CHANNEL_PORT: optional, the port number (22 by default).
  • SSH_CHANNEL_USER: required, the user to use to log in to the execution environment.
  • SSH_CHANNEL_PASSWORD: required, the corresponding password.
  • SSH_CHANNEL_TAGS: required, a comma-separated list of tags this environment can manage.

If you have more than one execution environment you intend to access via SSH, you will have to provide a pools definitions file.

  • SSH_CHANNEL_POOLS: optional, a path to the pools definitions.

If SSH_CHANNEL_POOLS is set, it must point to a YAML file which will look like this:

  - host:
    username: demo
    password: 1234
    tags: [ssh, windows]
  - host:
    port: 22
    username: alice
    ssh_host_keys: /data/ssh/known_hosts
    key_filename: /data/ssh/example.pem
    missing_host_key_policy: reject
    tags: [ssh, linux]
  - hosts: [,]
    port: 22
    username: bob
    ssh_host_keys: /data/ssh/known_hosts
    key_filename: /data/ssh/secret.pem
    passphrase: secret
    missing_host_key_policy: auto-add
    tags: [ssh, linux]

Please refer to “SSH Channel Configuration” for more information on pools.

You provide those environments variables to your instance the usual way:

docker run -d \
           --name orchestrator \
           -e \
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_USER=jane \
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_PASSWORD=secret \
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_TAGS=linux,robotframework \
docker run -d ^
           --name orchestrator ^
           -e ^
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_USER=jane ^
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_PASSWORD=secret ^
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_TAGS=linux,robotframework ^
docker run -d `
           --name orchestrator `
           -e `
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_USER=jane `
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_PASSWORD=secret `
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_TAGS=linux,robotframework `

If you use a pools definitions file, in addition to passing the SSH_CHANNEL_POOLS environment variable you must provide the pools definitions:

docker run -d \
           --name orchestrator \
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_POOLS=/app/pools.yaml \
           -v /path/to/pools.yaml:/app/pools.yaml \
docker run -d ^
           --name orchestrator ^
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_POOLS=/app/pools.yaml ^
           -v d:\path\to\pools.yaml:/app/pools.yaml ^
docker run -d `
           --name orchestrator `
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_POOLS=/app/pools.yaml `
           -v d:\path\to\pools.yaml:/app/pools.yaml `

If you specify both an execution environment and pools definitions, they will be merged, the specified execution environment possibly overriding an existing item in the pool (same host/port).

S3 Publisher Configuration

If you intend to use the S3 Publisher plugin (so that your tests results are uploaded to an S3 bucket), you must provide a s3credentials.json configuration file and mount it as /app/s3publisher/s3credentials.json.

It works with any S3-compatible provider (AWS of course, but also Scaleway and others).

You must provide the four following entries: region_name, endpoint_url, aws_access_key_id, and aws_secret_access_key.

The s3credentials.json file you provide will look like this:

    "region_name": "fr-par",
    "endpoint_url": "",
    "aws_access_key_id": "access_key",
    "aws_secret_access_key": "secret_access_key"

Here is an example of mounting a my_s3_credentials.json configuration file:

docker run ... \
           -v /path/to/my_s3credentials.json:/app/s3publisher/s3credentials.json \
docker run ... ^
           -v d:\path\to\my_s3credentials.json:/app/s3publisher/s3credentials.json ^
docker run ... `
           -v d:\path\to\my_s3credentials.json:/app/s3publisher/s3credentials.json `

Installing behind a reverse proxy

If your OpenTestFactory orchestrator is deployed behind a reverse proxy, you can define the following environment variables to adjust the orchestrator’s behavior.

  • OPENTF_{service}_BASE_URL

If none of those variables are defined, the orchestrator will not attempt to guess whether it is behind a proxy or not.

OPENTF_{service}_BASE_URL takes precedence over OPENTF_BASE_URL, which takes precedence over OPENTF_REVERSEPROXY.

The observer service is the only service that currently makes use of those environment variables. (It is the only service that may return URLs.)


When the orchestrator is running behind a proxy server, it may see the request as coming from that server rather than the real client. Proxies set various headers to track where the request came from.

This environment variable should only be used if the orchestrator is actually behind such a proxy, and should be configured with the number of proxies that are chained in front of it.

Not all proxies set all the headers. Since incoming headers can be faked, you must set how many proxies are setting each header so the orchestrator knows what to trust.

The following headers can be used:

  • X-Forwarded-For
  • X-Forwarded-Proto

The OPENTF_REVERSEPROXY environment variable can take the following values: auto or a series of up to 2 integers separated by commas.

The integers are x_for and x_proto . Unspecified values are assumed to be 0.

auto is equivalent to 1,1. That is, x_for is 1, x_proto is 1.

  • x_for sets the number of values to trust for X-Forwarded-For header
  • x_proto sets the number of values to trust for X-Forwarded-Proto header


When the orchestrator is running behind a proxy server that does not set standard headers, it is possible to configure the orchestrator with a base URL to use in the URL it provides.

If both OPENTF_BASE_URL and OPENTF_{service}_BASE_URL are defined (where {service} is the upper-cased service name), the service will use the value specified by OPENTF_{service}_BASE_URL.

The base URL specified must provide a protocol (http or https), a hostname, possibly a port, and possibly a prefix. Trailing / is allowed and ignored.

The following are possible base URLs:


The observer service is the only service that currently makes use of those environment variables. (It is the only service that may return URLs.)

Example configuration for the observer service

Assuming the orchestrator has been launched as such:

docker run -d \
           --name orchestrator \
           -e OPENTF_BASE_URL= \
docker run -d ^
           --name orchestrator ^
           -e OPENTF_BASE_URL= ^
docker run -d `
           --name orchestrator `
           -e OPENTF_BASE_URL= `

The observer service will use as its base URL, and hence the links it returns will be of the form:{workflow_id}/status[?page=x&per_page=y]


You will typically deploy your orchestrator using docker-compose or Kubernetes. Please refer to “Deploy with docker-compose” and “Deploy with Kubernetes” for more information on how to deploy in such environments.

If you do not have access to such an environment, you can quickly deploy an orchestrator instance using Docker only.


The following command starts the orchestrator so that it can use one existing execution environment, with self-generated trusted keys (do not do this in a production setup):

docker run -d \
           --name orchestrator \
           -p 7774:7774 \
           -p 7775:7775 \
           -p 7776:7776 \
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_HOST=the_environment_ip_or_hostname \
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_USER=user \
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_PASSWORD=secret \
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_TAGS=ssh,linux,robotframework \
docker run -d ^
           --name orchestrator ^
           -p 7774:7774 ^
           -p 7775:7775 ^
           -p 7776:7776 ^
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_HOST=the_environment_ip_or_hostname ^
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_USER=user ^
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_PASSWORD=secret ^
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_TAGS=ssh,linux,robotframework ^
docker run -d `
           --name orchestrator `
           -p 7774:7774 `
           -p 7775:7775 `
           -p 7776:7776 `
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_HOST=the_environment_ip_or_hostname `
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_USER=user `
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_PASSWORD=secret `
           -e SSH_CHANNEL_TAGS=ssh,linux,robotframework `

It exposes the following services on the corresponding ports:

  • receptionist (port 7774)
  • observer (port 7775)
  • killswitch (port 7776)

The orchestrator runs until one service fails or ends.

Assessing your deployment

Assuming you have deployed and configured a Robot Framework execution environment, you can run the following workflow to ensure everything is OK.

Put this in a robotdemo.yaml file:

kind: Workflow
  name: RobotFramework Example
  SERVER: production
    runs-on: [ssh, robotframework]
    - run: echo $SERVER
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - run: 'ls -al'
      working-directory: RobotDemo
    - uses: robotframework/robot@v1
        datasource: RobotDemo/keyword_driven.robot

    runs-on: [ssh, robotframework]
    name: Data driven tests
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: robotframework/robot@v1
        datasource: RobotDemo/data_driven.robot

Then run your workflow:

curl -X POST \
     --data-binary @robotdemo.yaml \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <yourtoken>" \
     -H "Content-type: application/x-yaml" \
curl -X POST ^
     --data-binary @robotdemo.yaml ^
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <yourtoken>" ^
     -H "Content-type: application/x-yaml" ^
curl.exe -X POST `
     --data-binary '@robotdemo.yaml' `
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <yourtoken>" `
     -H "Content-type: application/x-yaml" `

If the installation is OK, the above command should produce something like the following:

  "message":"Workflow RobotFramework Example accepted (workflow_id=a6d0a643-cf7b-4697-b568-1c909fe1a643).",

The workflow will then be processed by the orchestrator. You can check its progress using the following command (adjusting the workflow ID as per your workflow):

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <yourtoken>" \
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <yourtoken>" ^
curl.exe -H "Authorization: Bearer <yourtoken>" `

Doing it the easy way

Using curl is a quick and dirty way to run a workflow, suitable for a quick test, but it is probably easier in the long run to use other tools, such as the opentf-tool set of tools:

The following command will start a workflow and display its progress in a human-readable format:

opentf-ctl run workflow robotdemo.yaml --wait


By default, the logs start at INFO level. You can configure the orchestrator image to display more details by defining the following environment variables:

  • DEBUG_LEVEL: INFO by default, can be set to DEBUG to get more information
  • OPENTF_DEBUG: unset by default, can be set to get more startup information

The following command will start the orchestrator with the maximum level of logs:

docker run -d \
           --name orchestrator \
           -p 7774:7774 \
           -p 7775:7775 \
           -p 7776:7776 \
           -p 7796:7796 \
           -p 38368:38368 \
           -p 34537:34537 \
           -p 24368:24368 \
           -p 12312:12312 \
           -e OPENTF_DEBUG=true \
           -e DEBUG_LEVEL=DEBUG \
docker run -d ^
           --name orchestrator ^
           -p 7774:7774 ^
           -p 7775:7775 ^
           -p 7776:7776 ^
           -p 7796:7796 ^
           -p 38368:38368 ^
           -p 34537:34537 ^
           -p 24368:24368 ^
           -p 12312:12312 \
           -e OPENTF_DEBUG=true ^
           -e DEBUG_LEVEL=DEBUG ^
docker run -d `
           --name orchestrator `
           -p 7774:7774 `
           -p 7775:7775 `
           -p 7776:7776 `
           -p 7796:7796 `
           -p 38368:38368 `
           -p 34537:34537 `
           -p 24368:24368 `
           -p 12312:12312 \
           -e OPENTF_DEBUG=true `
           -e DEBUG_LEVEL=DEBUG `

If you want to see how a given workflow is progressing, you can use the opentf-ctl tool:

opentf-ctl get workflow my_workflow_id --job_depth=5 --step_depth=5

It can display information on running workflows, and up until one hour after their completion.

Next Steps

Here are some helpful resources for taking your next steps with the OpenTestFactory orchestrator:

  • Tools” for information on tools that help you manage and use orchestrator instances
  • Guides” for specific uses cases and examples, such as deploying the orchestrator using docker-compose or Kubernetes
  • Configuration” for an in-depth view of configuring the services of the orchestrator