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Most services do not require configuration, but a couple of them cannot be used if you do not configure them:

  • the SSH channel plugin, which is used to communicate with execution environments via SSH (you can use agent-based execution environments instead if you prefer)
  • the S3 publisher plugin and the Local publisher plugin, which require credentials and a hint of where they should publish the results produced by your workflows

You should also choose the services you want to start on a given orchestrator instance. It is a good practice to disable the services you do not need.

Configuration files location

On the OpenTestFactory orchestrator ‘allinone’ image, the configuration files are in the /app directory.

There is a /app/squashtf.yaml instance configuration file which is where you specify your plugins’ location and the services you want to be disabled.

There is also one main configuration file ({name}.yaml) per service in the /app/conf subdirectory. Some services may use additional configuration files.

Each service has a unique name. The name of the service matches the name of the main configuration file (minus the extension), and this name is also the name you use if you want to disable a service.

If you use a third-party distribution, those configuration files may be somewhere else. Please refer to your distribution documentation for more information.

Instance configuration

The instance configuration file specifies the event bus to use, the core services location, and the plugins locations.

The default instance configuration file is as follows:

eventbus: python3 -m opentf.core.eventbus
- ${{ CORE }}/core
- ${{ CORE }}/plugins
- /app/plugins
- dummyee
- HelloWorld
- localpublisher

The ${{ CORE }} variable points to the actual location of the OpenTestFactory orchestrator distribution.

Core services

The eventbus section specifies how to start the event bus. This specification is the command that is used.

The services list specifies the location of the core services. It is a list of directories. The launcher scans those directories in order, looking for service descriptors (service.yaml files).


The plugins list specifies the location to scan for plugins. It is a list of directories. The launcher scans those directories in order, looking for plugin descriptors (plugin.yaml files).

Adding new plugins

If you want to add additional plugins to your installation, you can attach a volume and add its mount point to the plugins list. It should be a fully qualified directory path.

You may attach more than one volume.


You can use the /app/plugins mount point which is empty in the standard distribution and is scanned by the launcher by default.

Disabled list

The disabled list specifies the names of services and plugins that should not be started. If a plugin descriptor with a matching is found, irrespective of the case, it will be skipped.

The Local publisher plugin, part of the default OpenTestFactory orchestrator distribution, is for example disabled by default (its name is in the default disabled list):

apiVersion: ''
kind: 'PublicationPlugin'
  name: 'localpublisher'
  description: 'basic publication plugin, dump reports in directory'

The list may include names that have no matching plugin descriptors.

Services & Plugins included in the OpenTestFactory orchestrator distribution

Here is the list of the plugins included in the ‘allinone’ image.

Name Type Description
agentchannel Channel handler Handle agent-based execution environments
inceptionee Channel handler Handle the ‘inception’ execution environment
sshchannel Channel handler Handle SSH-based execution environments
actionprovider Provider Provide common Workflow functions
cucumber Provider Handle Cucumber interactions
cypress Provider Handle Cypress interactions
junit Provider Handle JUnit interactions
playwright Provider Handle Playwright interactions
postman Provider Handle Postman interactions
robotframework Provider Handle Robot Framework interactions
skf Provider Handle SKF (Squash Keyword Framework) interactions
soapui Provider Handle SoapUI interactions
allure.collector Collector Handle Allure Report generation
result.aggregator Collector (Allure Report helper service)
insightcollector Collector Handle Execution log generation
s3publisher Publisher Publish results to a S3 bucket
localpublisher Publisher Publish results to a local directory
cucumber.interpreter Parser Parse Cucumber reports
cypress.interpreter Parser Parse Cypress reports
postman.interpreter Parser Parse Postman reports
robot.interpreter Parser Parse Robot Framework reports
surefire.interpreter Parser Parse Surefire reports (JUnit, SKF, SoapUI)

The actionprovider plugin is used by most provider plugins, disabling it may break them.

The default image also includes a service that can be disabled if you have no use for it. This service consumes events produced by report parsers.

Name Description
QualityGate The Quality Gate service

The core services

Name Description
eventbus The Event Bus
arranger Handle workflow execution
killswitch Kill running workflows
localstore Temporarily store attachments and clean them up
observer Provide observability for running and recently-completed workflows
receptionist Handle incoming workflows
rewriter Handle schema conversions for not up-to-date plugins


Some core services should never be disabled. They are the arranger, observer, receptionist, eventbus, rewriter, and localstore services.

Services & Plugins


By default, the event bus, used by all services, listens on port 38368. If you change this default port, you must adjust the default configuration of all other used services and plugins.

  • Eventbus (number of concurrent publication threads, maximum number of retries)

Core services

Some limits and retention periods can be overridden for the core services.

  • Arranger (maximum number of jobs and steps in a workflow, maximum number of simultaneous jobs in a workflow, maximum workflow execution time)
  • Observer (retention period)
  • Killswitch
  • Receptionist



A pool must be specified for the SSH channel plugin. There is no specific configuration for the Agent channel plugin.


Provider plugins support global hooks (hooks defined at the orchestrator level). You may want to define some such hooks, to adjust them to some practices that are specific to your environment but common to all your users. They can also be used to enforce security or monitoring measures.

See “Common provider settings” for more information.


A target must be specified for the Local publisher plugin and a set of credentials must be provided for the S3 publisher plugin.