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Namespaces and permissions

Workflow jobs run on execution environments.

tags are used to describe execution environment capabilities. For example, the linux and robotframework tags may be attached to an execution environment that handles Robot Framework workloads.

You may add tags to further describe the execution environment, such as debian10, safari, or aws_qa2, but tags are only used in a ‘positive’ way: a job can run on any execution environment whose tags match the requested capabilities. A job that requests linux can run on any execution environment that has this tag.

Sometimes you want to limit some execution environments to some workflows. It can be that you have a preprod environment and a noprod environment, and they should not be mixed, or that you share the orchestrator instance with other departments within your company.

Namespaces are used to provide this functionality.

Sometimes you want to further control access to resources. You may want to give one of your users read-only access to your running workflows, or you may want to prevent another one from registering new agents.

Access control grants permission to access resources.

What is a namespace?

A namespace has a name (letters, digits, and hyphens are allowed). It ties resources such as workflows, execution environments, and authentication tokens.

There is no limit on the number of namespaces you can use in an orchestrator instance.

There is a default namespace, default, which is used if you do not specify a specific namespace.

Using namespaces


Namespaces are not enabled by default, or, more precisely, there is only one namespace that can be used by default, the default namespace.

Please check with your administrator if you can use this feature on your orchestator instance. For more information, see “enable namespaces on an orchestrator instance.”


A workflow belongs to one (and only one) namespace. This can be defined by using the namespace metadata:

  name: my workflow
  namespace: a-namespace

If no namespace is specified, the default namespace is assumed.

Execution environments

Execution environments are tied to at least one namespace. They may be accessible from more than one namespace, or from all namespaces.

For example, if you want to make an execution environment that is accessible from the namespace-a and namespace-b namespaces, if you are using agents, you will do something like:

opentf-agent ... --namespaces=namespace-a,namespace-b

If you are using SSH-based execution environments, in your environment description you will write something like:

  - host:
    port: 22
    username: alice
    ssh_host_keys: /data/ssh/known_hosts
    key_filename: /data/ssh/example.pem
    missing_host_key_policy: reject
    tags: [ssh, linux]
    namespaces: namespace-a,namespace-b

If you want to make an execution environment accessible from all namespaces, tie it to "*".

If you do not specify namespaces for execution environments, they are only accessible from the default namespace.

Authentication tokens

Authentication tokens that are used to interact with an orchestrator instance are also tied to namespaces.

By default, they are tied to the default namespace. They may be tied to more than one namespace, or they can have access to all namespaces.

Authentication tokens cannot be used to interact with resources that belong to a namespace they are not tied to.

For example, if your authentication token is tied to the default and namespace-a namespaces, you will be able to run workflows in those namespaces, but not in the namespace-b namespace.

Similarly, when querying the available execution environments, you will only see the execution environments that are accessible from those two namespaces. If an execution environment is only accessible from namespace-b, you will not see it.



Access control is not enabled by default, or, more precisely, an authentication token gives access to all resources that belong to the namespace(s) it is tied to.

Please check with your administrator if you can use this feature on your orchestator instance. For more information, see “enable namespaces on an orchestrator instance.”

The main resources an orchestrator instance deals with are workflows, agents, quality gates, and channels (execution environments, agent- or SSH-based).

You have either no permission to access a given resource, permission to read a given resource, or full access to a given resource.

Access control is based on policies that grant permission to access resources. If no policy applies, access is denied.

Permission to access a resource can be tied to a namespace, or can apply to all namespaces.

If access control is enabled on your instance, specific permissions will be associated with your authentication tokens.

If you attempt an interaction that you have no permission for, you will receive a ‘Forbidden’ response. If you think you should have access, please check with your administrator.

There is no need to generate a new authentication token if the associated permissions change.

Next steps

Here are some helpful resources for taking your next steps with authentication and authorization: