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SSH channel plugin

This channel plugin manages communications with execution environments that are accessed via SSH.

It exposes no user-facing endpoints.

Two service-specific configuration file options must be defined if you do not want to specify your execution environments via environment variables.

Environment variables


You can set the SSHCHANNEL_DEBUG_LEVEL (all upper-cased) or DEBUG_LEVEL environment variables to DEBUG to add additional information in the console for the launched service. It defaults to INFO. (Please note that setting DEBUG_LEVEL to DEBUG will produce tons of logs.)

The possible values are NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL. Those values are from the most verbose, NOTSET, which shows all logs, to the least verbose, FATAL, which only shows fatal errors.

If SSHCHANNEL_DEBUG_LEVEL is not defined then the value of DEBUG_LEVEL is used (or INFO if DEBUG_LEVEL is not defined either).

Explicitly defining SSHCHANNEL_DEBUG_LEVEL to NOTSET or DEBUG enables extra logging for the SSH events. This extra logging does not occur if SSHCHANNEL_DEBUG_LEVEL is not explicitly set.

Access logs are only shown at NOTSET and DEBUG levels.

Execution environments specification

You can set the SSH_CHANNEL_HOST, SSH_CHANNEL_USER, SSH_CHANNEL_PASSWORD, SSH_CHANNEL_TAGS, and SSH_CHANNEL_PORT environment variables to define just one SSH-accessible execution environment:

  • SSH_CHANNEL_HOST: required, either a hostname or an IP address.
  • SSH_CHANNEL_USER: required, the user to use to log in to the execution environment.
  • SSH_CHANNEL_PASSWORD: required, the corresponding password.
  • SSH_CHANNEL_TAGS: required, a comma-separated list of tags this environment can manage.
  • SSH_CHANNEL_PORT: optional, the port number (22 by default).

If you have more than one execution environment you intend to access via SSH, you will have to provide a ‘pools’ definitions file. The easiest way is to define the SSH_CHANNEL_POOLS environment variable to point to a YAML file that defines the pools you want to use.


If you define an execution environment with SSH_CHANNEL_* and also provide SSH_CHANNEL_POOLS, the execution environment defined by SSH_CHANNEL_* will replace a similarly defined one in the provided pools (two execution environments are similar if they share the same host, port, and user).


If the content of this referred YAML file changes, the pools definitions used will change accordingly. You do not need to restart the channel plugin.

Hooks specification

The SSHCHANNEL_CHANNEL_HOOKS environment variable, if defined, must refer to an existing file that contains hook definitions.

For more information about hooks, see “Hooks for jobs and providers.”


If the content of this referred file changes, the hooks definitions used by the channel handler will change accordingly. You do not need to restart the provider plugin.

Configuration file

This plugin has a configuration file (sshee.yaml by default) that describes the host, port, ssl_context, and trusted_authorities to use. In this file, it is possible to enable insecure logins or set availability_check_delay to define the channel availability polling interval (defaults to 10 seconds).

If no configuration file is found it will default to the following values:

kind: SSHServiceConfig
current-context: default
- name: default
    port: 443
    ssl_context: adhoc
      token: invalid-token
    watchdog_polling_delay_seconds: 30
    targets: []
pools: {}

The configuration included in the ‘allinone’ image is described in “Common settings.” The listening port is 7786 and the bind address is as the service exposes no user-facing endpoints.

There are three service-specific configuration options besides the common ones that must be defined for the plugin to work properly: pools (a configuration file option), targets (a context-specific configuration option), and watchdog_polling_delay_seconds (a context-specific configuration option).


If a SSH_CHANNEL_POOLS environment variable is defined, the pools defined in the configuration file are ignored and the ones defined in the file referred to by the environment variable are used instead.


pools lists the available groups of execution environments. Each group (a pool) describes one or more execution environments.

Each execution environment is described by the following (possibly optional) items:

  • Either host or hosts: a hostname (a string) or a list of host names (a list of strings), required.
  • username: a username on the execution environment (a string), required.
  • tags: what capabilities it provides (a list of strings), required. Amongst those capabilities, there must be one and only one of linux, macos, or windows. If that is not the case, the execution environment will be ignored.
  • port: a port (a number), 22 by default.
  • script_path: where to put temporary scripts (a string), '/tmp' by default for linux and macos execution environments, %TEMP% for windows environments.
  • key_filename: a file path (a string), required if using key authentication.
  • passphrase: a passphrase (a string), required if using key authentication and key has a passphrase.
  • password: a password (a string), required if using password authentication.
  • ssh_host_keys: a file path (a string), required if there is a list of allowed incoming hosts (typically specified if using the default missing host key policy, which is to reject unknown incoming connections).
  • missing_host_key_policy: a string, either auto-add or reject (reject by default).
  • namespaces: a string, a comma-separated list of namespaces (default by default).

You cannot specify both key_filename and password at the same time. Execution environments with an incorrect specification are ignored.

namespaces specifies the namespace(s) the execution environment is accessible from. It is a comma-separated list of namespace names or '*', in which case the execution environment will be accessible from all namespaces.


An SSH channel requires targets and pools entries in order to prepare and dispatch execution commands.

In the following example the current context, default, can handle execution requests with a runs-on statement that is either ssh, linux, [ssh, linux], or [linux, ssh]. It cannot handle execution requests with other tags.

It cannot handle runs-on statements that are either windows, [ssh, windows], or [windows, ssh] because the demo_target group is not specified in the context’s targets.

kind: SSHServiceConfig
current-context: default
- name: default
    port: 443
    ssl_context: adhoc
      token: invalid-token
    targets: [ssh_targets, ssh2_targets]
  - host:
    username: demo
    password: 1234
    tags: [ssh, windows]
  - host:
    username: user
    password: secret
    tags: [ssh, linux]
    namespaces: '*'
  - host:
    port: 22
    username: alice
    ssh_host_keys: /data/ssh/known_hosts
    key_filename: /data/ssh/example.pem
    missing_host_key_policy: reject
    tags: [ssh, linux]
    namespaces: ns1,ns2
  - hosts: [,]
    port: 22
    username: bob
    ssh_host_keys: /data/ssh/known_hosts
    key_filename: /data/ssh/secret.pem
    passphrase: secret
    missing_host_key_policy: auto-add
    tags: [ssh, linux]


The targets context entry is a possibly empty list of pool names.

Watchdog polling delay

This delay must be an integer. If the entry is missing, the default value will be assumed. It must be defined in the currently-used context.

watchdog_polling_delay_seconds defines the interval used to check hooks definition changes. If not specified, or if set to a lower value, defaults to 30.

This is only used if the SSH_CHANNEL_POOLS environment variable is defined. It tells the service how often it must check for changes in the pools definition.

Execution environment configuration

The ssh channel uses non-interactive sessions. By default, sshd only exposes a basic set of environment variables.

There are two ways to overcome this:

  • Add SetEnv statements in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config configuration file (for example BASH_ENV=~/.profile)
  • Enable the PermitUserEnvironment (set it to yes, and restart your ssh server). That way, in the account you connect to with ssh, you can add a ~/.ssh/environment with your variables (or BASH_ENV, as above)


The SSH channel plugin subscribes to the following events:

kind apiVersion

The SSH channel plugin exposes an /inbox endpoint that is used by the event bus to post relevant events.

Launch command

If you want to manually start the SSH channel plugin, use the following command:

python -m opentf.plugins.sshee.main [--context context] [--config configfile]

Additional command-line options are available and described in “Command-line options.”