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A plugin is a service that subscribes to some events and that may publish other events.

There are four defined categories of plugins that match typical needs. The four defined categories are channels, generators, providers, and publishers.

Other categories can be developed.

All plugins may publish ExecutionError events if they detect an unexpected condition. They may also publish any number of Notification events.

Channel plugins

Channel plugins handle the link with execution environments.

They should subscribe to ExecutionCommand events, and they should publish ExecutionResult events. They may subscribe to other events and may publish other events.

When a job is about to be processed, the core services publish an event requesting an execution environment. This event has a metadata.step_sequence_id: -1 section.

Channel plugins can make offers upon receiving this event. Those offers are time-limited. The core services must select at most one such offer and publish execution events referring to this offer.

A channel plugin must not offer an execution environment that already is in use for another job and must not offer an execution environment that it has proposed if the offer time-limit has not been reached yet.

If a channel plugin receives an execution event referring to an expired offer, it may either publish a rejection event or process the execution event if the targeted execution environment is not in use for another job or job offer.

Upon job completion, the core services must publish an event releasing the targeted execution environment. The channel plugin handling the execution environment is then free to release or reuse it.

Generator plugins

Generator plugins generate sets of jobs.

They should subscribe to GeneratorCommand events and they publish GeneratorResult events.

When a generator job is about to be processed, the core services publish an event requesting its expansion. Generator jobs have a type and possibly parameters.

Matching generator plugins can provide a set of jobs upon receiving such events. The core services will then select at most one such expansion.

The generator plugins are used to query external sources and convert the result to jobs.

For example, a generator plugin can query a test case manager, get a test suite to execute, and produce the jobs that will result in the test suite test cases executions.

Those generated jobs cannot depend on jobs defined elsewhere in the workflow, but they are otherwise regular jobs and are processed like any other jobs.

flowchart LR
A["job:\ngenerator: example/foo@v1"] -.-> B([Generator plugin])
B -.-> C[job1:\n...\njob2:\n...]

Provider plugins

Provider plugins generate a sequence of steps.

They should subscribe to ProviderCommand events and they publish ProviderResult events.

When a sequence of steps is being processed, the core services publish an event requesting an expansion for each function step it encounters. Functions steps have a type and possibly parameters.

Matching provider plugins can provide a sequence of steps upon receiving such events. The core services will then select at most one such expansion.

The provider plugins are used to wrap up a series of steps as a single step, easing the creation and readability of workflows.

The generated sequence of steps can contain other function steps which will in turn expand to sequences of steps.

flowchart LR
A["step:\n- uses: example/foo@v1"] -.-> B([Provider plugin])
B -.-> C["- run: echo foo\n- uses: example/bar@v1"]

Publisher plugins

Publisher plugins consume execution results. They typically do not produce non-notification events.

They should subscribe to ExecutionResult events.

They collect execution results and possibly transform them and then sending them to external tools, such as a test case manager or a BI platform.