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Channel commands

The opentf-ctl tool provides a set of commands to manage channels. You can list known channels.

get channels

This command lists known execution environments.

opentf-ctl get channels
NAME               NAMESPACES  TAGS                           LAST_REFRESH_TIMESTAMP      STATUS  default     ["ssh", "linux"]               2023-08-01T11:36:46.313393  IDLE
test agent         default     ["windows", "robotframework"]  2023-08-01T18:53:50.871514  IDLE

The first item is the execution environment name, the second item is the namespace(s) this execution environment is accessible from (if it is *, it is available for all namespaces), the third item is a list of tags, the fourth item is when the environment details were refreshed for the last time, and the last item is the execution environment status (IDLE, PENDING, BUSY, or UNREACHABLE).

An IDLE execution environment is currently not doing any orchestrator-related tasks. A PENDING execution environment has been offered to handle a job but has not been selected (yet). A BUSY execution environment is currently handling a job. An UNREACHABLE execution environment was unreachable on the last availability check (by default, execution environment status is checked every 10 seconds).

Optional parameters

The get channels command allows for additional optional parameters:

--output=wide or -o wide                        # show additional information
--output=custom-columns= or -o custom-columns=  # show specified information
--output=json or -o json                        # show information in JSON format
--output=yaml or -o yaml                        # show information in YAML format
--selector={s} or -l {s}                        # filter the output on label selector(s)
--field-selector={s}                            # filter the output on field selector(s)

You can only specify one output format at a time. Please refer to “Output formats” for more information.

For more information on selectors, see “selectors.”

Wide view

This option shows the default columns, as well as the channel handler ID.

opentf-ctl get channels -o wide
opentf-ctl get channels --output=wide
HANDLER_ID                            NAME               NAMESPACES  TAGS                           LAST_REFRESH_TIMESTAMP      STATUS
723a94cc-148a-4904-9a7f-bdb9d0cb8444  default     ["ssh", "linux"]               2023-08-01T11:36:46.313393  IDLE
3524911d-c6c0-490e-b9e0-b450cbef7a24  test agent         default     ["windows", "robotframework"]  2023-08-01T18:53:50.871514  IDLE

Custom view

If this optional parameter is specified, you can choose what is displayed for each known execution environment.

The columns definition format is as follows: name:value[,name:value]*. name is the column name in the output (such as NAME in the example above). value is the path to the information in the service subscription schema.

The following values are supported:

  • .metadata.namespaces
  • .metadata.channelhandler_id
  • .spec.tags
  • .status.lastCommunicationTimestamp
  • .status.phase
  • .status.currentJobID
opentf-ctl get channels -o,PHASE:.status.phase
opentf-ctl get channels,PHASE:.status.phase
NAME                   PHASE
robotframework.agents  IDLE
cypress-agent.agents   IDLE
cucumber.agents        IDLE
junit.agents           IDLE


You may restrict the list of known execution environments displayed by get channels command using field and label selectors.

Label selectors could be specified with --selector or -l option and field selectors with --field-selector option.

If the selector condition contains spaces, you must surround it with double quotes to prevent bash parsing errors.

For example, you could use status.phase and metadata.namespace field selectors to filter displayed execution environments on their status or their namespace.

Example: displaying only busy and pending environments not in default namespace
opentf-ctl get channels --field-selector="status.phase in (BUSY,PENDING),metadata.namespace!=default"
ssh test agent  ns1         ["ssh", "linux"]      2023-03-30T09:46:54.70  BUSY
test agent      ns2         ["junit", "windows"]  2023-03-30T12:26:47.66  PENDING
test agent      ns3         ["junit", "linux"]    2023-03-30T12:26:47.66  BUSY

You may also use spec.tags and status.phase field selectors to ensure that there is at least one available channel before launching a workflow execution.

Example: displaying only available channels for a specific execution environment

opentf-ctl get channels --field-selector="status.phase!=UNREACHABLE,(linux,junit) in spec.tags"
test agent      ns3         ["junit", "linux"]    2023-03-30T12:26:47.66  PENDING