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Basic commands

The opentf-ctl tool provides a set of commands to manage workflows. You can list active and recent workflows, start a workflow, get the status of a workflow, and kill a running workflow.

get workflows

This command lists active and recent workflows.

opentf-ctl get workflows
WORKFLOWID                            STATUS  NAME
6c223f7b-3f79-4c51-b200-68eaa33c1325  DONE    RobotFramework Example
31b5e665-819c-4e92-862a-f05d1993c096  DONE    RobotFramework Example

It returns workflow IDs, which are unique identifiers that can be used by the get workflow {workflow_id} command.

Optional parameters

The get workflows command allows for additional optional parameters:

--output=wide or -o wide                        # show additional information
--output=custom-columns= or -o custom-columns=  # show specified information
--output=json or -o json                        # show information in JSON format
--output=yaml or -o yaml                        # show information in YAML format
--selector={s} or -l {s}                        # filter the output on label selector(s)
--field-selector={s}                            # filter the output on field selector(s)

You can only specify one output format at a time. Please refer to “Output formats” for more information.

For more information on selectors, see “selectors.”

Wide view

If this optional parameter is specified, the execution status, the first time the workflow was seen, and the workflow name are displayed.

opentf-ctl get workflows -o wide
opentf-ctl get workflows --output=wide
68e81c2b-1520-42bd-a5f3-b30458f6948a  DONE    2021-12-14T14:51:18.280384  RobotFramework Example
7e0dbbec-fa69-45ec-8707-754d994a0cc3  DONE    2021-12-14T14:51:19.635299  RobotFramework Example
3766701b-c250-4eeb-92be-e4718a9c24ad  FAILED  2021-12-14T14:51:21.419208  RobotFramework Example
1ee5f091-f234-40cd-b853-9d46fe46ceb6  DONE    2021-12-14T14:51:23.614088  RobotFramework Example

Custom view

If this optional parameter is specified, you can choose what is displayed for each active and recent workflow.

The columns definition format is as follows: name:value[,name:value]*. name is the column name in the output (WORKFLOW_ID or WORKFLOW_NAME in the example above). value is the path to the information in the workflow schema.

The following values are supported:

  • .metadata.workflow_id
  • .metadata.creationTimestamp
  • .status.phase
opentf-ctl get workflows -o custom-columns=ID:.metadata.workflow_id,
opentf-ctl get workflows --output=custom-columns=ID:.metadata.workflow_id,
ID                                    NAME
68e81c2b-1520-42bd-a5f3-b30458f6948a  RobotFramework Example
7e0dbbec-fa69-45ec-8707-754d994a0cc3  RobotFramework Example
3766701b-c250-4eeb-92be-e4718a9c24ad  RobotFramework Example
1ee5f091-f234-40cd-b853-9d46fe46ceb6  RobotFramework Example

Using selectors

By default the get workflows command lists all active and recent workflows.

The command output may be restricted by using the --selector and --field-selector options. For example, you may restrict command output to show only FAILED workflows:

opentf-ctl get workflows --field-selector=status.phase==FAILED
WORKFLOW_ID                           STATUS  WORKFLOW_NAME
3766701b-c250-4eeb-92be-e4718a9c24ad  FAILED  RobotFramework Example

You can combine selectors with output format.

For more information on selectors, see “selectors.”

run workflow {file_name}

This command starts a workflow. It requires one parameter, an existing file name.

opentf-ctl run workflow demo_windows_robotframework.yaml
Workflow 7aa1e1a4-4ede-4ab9-aa80-f9213d057397 is running.

It returns a workflow ID, which is a unique identifier for the started workflow.

Optional parameters

The run workflow command allows for additional optional parameters, in no specific order, but they must follow the command if used (but they may precede the workflow file name):

-e var=value                        # define variable
-e path                             # define variables
-f name=path                        # send file with workflow
--namespace={ns} or -n {ns}         # overrides default namespace target
--tags={tag{,tag}...}               # add extra tags to the workflow's runs-on entries
--dry-run                           # simulate workflow run without starting it
--wait or --watch or -w             # wait until completion or cancellation
--mode={} or -m {}    # apply a quality gate to the successfully completed workflow

The following additional options can only be used in conjunction with --wait:

--step-depth={n} or -s {n}          # show nested steps to a given depth (1 by default)
--job-depth={n} or -j {n}           # show nested jobs to a given depth (1 by default)
--max-command-length={n} or -c {n}  # show the first n characters of running commands (15 by default)
--show-notifications or -a          # show notifications
--verbose or -v                     # show all notifications (can be noisy)
--show-attachments                  # show produced attachments in the workflow output
--output={format} or -o {format}    # show information in specified format (json or yaml)
--selector={s} or -l {s}            # filter the output on label selector(s)
--field-selector={s}                # filter the output on field selector(s)

For more information on selectors, see “selectors.”


You can change the default values of job-depth, step-depth, and max-command-length for a given user using opentf-ctl config set-credentials {user} --job-depth={n}.

What is passed on the command line overrides what is defined for a given user.

Sending variables

You can provide variables for your workflow execution by using the -e variable=value command-line option, repeatedly if needed.

If you have a set of variables you want to provide for your workflow execution, you can use the -e path command-line option, repeatedly if needed. path should be a file containing a list of variable=value lines.

opentf-ctl \
  run workflow demo_windows_robotframework.yaml \
  -e .env \
opentf-ctl ^
  run workflow demo_windows_robotframework.yaml ^
  -e .env ^
opentf-ctl `
  run workflow demo_windows_robotframework.yaml `
  -e .env `

The options are processed in order, and the last value of a given variable is what will be available during the workflow execution.

Environment variables with an OPENTF_RUN_ prefix will be defined without the prefix in the workflow and while running commands in an environment. Those variables can be overridden by using -e parameters.

export OPENTF_RUN_FOO=foo
export OPENTF_RUN_BAR=bar
opentf-ctl run workflow demo.yaml -e FOO=foobar
opentf-ctl run workflow demo.yaml -e FOO=foobar
$Env:OPENTF_RUN_FOO = "foo"
$Env:OPENTF_RUN_BAR = "bar"
opentf-ctl run workflow demo.yaml -e FOO=foobar

In the workflow, FOO will be foobar and BAR will be bar.

Sending files

If your workflow requires it, you can join files by using the -f name=file command-line option, repeatedly if needed.

opentf-ctl \
  run workflow demo_windows_robotframework.yaml \
  -f report=data/report.html \
  -f key=secret/key.pem
opentf-ctl ^
  run workflow demo_windows_robotframework.yaml ^
  -f report=data\report.html ^
  -f key=secret\key.pem
opentf-ctl `
  run workflow demo_windows_robotframework.yaml `
  -f report=data\report.html `
  -f key=secret\key.pem
Workflow 03680dca-6b6a-4eac-a082-ffd164e8f8e0 is running.

Overriding default namespace target

By default, the run workflow command starts the workflow in its specified namespace (as defined by its .metadata.namespace entry), or in the default namespace if no namespace is specified in the workflow.

If you use the --namespace=target command-line option, the workflow will start in the target namespace instead.

Adding tags

You can add tags to the workflow by using the --tags command-line option. The tags will be added to all jobs with a runs-on entry in the workflow.

You can include at most one OS tag (linux, macos, or windows) in the mix, and it will replace the ones found on runs-on entries, if applicable.

Example: replacing and adding tags

Given the following workflow:

  name: demo workflow
    runs-on: windows
    - run: echo '${{ runner.os }}'

The following command will replace the windows tag with linux and will add a foo tag:

opentf-ctl run workflow demo_windows.yaml --tags foo,linux

That is, it will be as if the following workflow was started:

  name: demo workflow
    runs-on: [linux, foo]
    - run: echo '${{ runner.os }}'

Assuming there exist an execution environment with the linux and foo tags, it would gives:

Workflow c8c13a81-a3d7-4329-9363-e7e666b453f2 is running.
Workflow demo workflow
(running in namespace 'default')
[2024-07-17T17:15:58] [job 6b2c4ded-1230-4f58-b7f9-d26a61a8d872] Requesting execution environment providing ['linux', 'foo'] in namespace 'default' for job 'job'
[2024-07-17T17:15:58] [job 6b2c4ded-1230-4f58-b7f9-d26a61a8d872] Running command: echo 'linux'
[2024-07-17T17:16:00] [job 6b2c4ded-1230-4f58-b7f9-d26a61a8d872] linux
[2024-07-17T17:16:00] [job 6b2c4ded-1230-4f58-b7f9-d26a61a8d872] Releasing execution environment for job 'job'
Workflow completed successfully.

Simulating a workflow run without starting it

If you want to simulate a workflow run without actually starting it, you can use the --dry-run option.

opentf-ctl run workflow demo_windows_robotframework.yaml --dry-run
Workflow 7aa1e1a4-4ede-4ab9-aa80-f9213d057397 is running.

If the workflow needs files or variables, you must provide them. It allows you to test your workflow syntax, or to ensure your run workflow command is complete. If anything goes wrong, you will get the same messages you would have got if the workflow had been started.

No further processing occurs, though, and the workflow will not show on further get workflows commands, and using the get workflow or --wait or --watch options will fail with a message indicating the workflow does not exist.

Waiting for completion

By default, the run workflow command starts a workflow and immediately returns.

If you use the --wait command-line option, it will wait until the workflow’s completion or cancellation.

Stopping or interrupting the command does not cancel the running workflow.

opentf-ctl run workflow demo_windows_robotframework.yaml -w
opentf-ctl run workflow demo_windows_robotframework.yaml --wait
Workflow 7aa1e1a4-4ede-4ab9-aa80-f9213d057397 is running.
Workflow completed successfully.

When used with --wait option, run workflow command output may be adjusted using depth and length specifiers in the same way as for the get workflow command.

Applying a quality gate to a completed workflow

It is possible to apply a quality gate to a successfully completed workflow directly from the run workflow command. Just use the --mode or -m option followed by the name of the quality gate to apply.

run workflow command also supports all the remaining get qualitygate command options: see the Quality Gate Commands page.

Example: running a workflow and applying a quality gate when it is completed
opentf-ctl run workflow workflow_file.yaml --mode=my.quality.gate
Workflow 5ccd93f8-66ca-4ae1-a784-c0067500c675 is running.
Waiting for workflow completion to apply qualitygate...
Cucumber.all                 FAILURE  5               2             3             60.0%

Using selectors

When used with --wait option, run workflow command output may also be restricted using field and label selectors in the same way as for get workflow command.

For example, you may restrict command output to show only ExecutionResult events:

Example: displaying only ExecutionResult events of a running workflow
opentf-ctl run workflow workflow_file.yaml -w --field-selector=kind=ExecutionResult
Workflow 672efdb1-cd34-4190-94ed-2c987d522309 is running.
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] [INFO] Scanning for projects...
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] [INFO]
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] -------------------------------------------------------
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b]  T E S T S
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] -------------------------------------------------------
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] Running projet_selenium.SampleTest_01_linux
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.17 sec
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b]
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] Results :
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b]
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b]
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] [INFO] Total time:  2.419 s
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] [INFO] Finished at: 2023-03-30T12:26:47+02:00
[2023-03-30T12:26:47] [job 71f2a3cf-aa00-4847-8541-f564a8f0b67b] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workflow completed successfully.

get workflow {workflow_id}

This command shows the running status of the specified workflow.

opentf-ctl get workflow 396e99ec-0fe4-4f35-8b9e-69a550a0e474
opentf-ctl get workflow 396
[2021-10-13T17:18:33] [job 9ea3be45-ee90-4135-b47f-e66e4f793383] Requesting execution environment providing ['windows', 'robotframework'] for job keyword-driven
[2021-10-13T17:18:33] [job 9ea3be45-ee90-4135-b47f-e66e4f793383] Running actionscheckoutv2
[2021-10-13T17:18:37] [job 9ea3be45-ee90-4135-b47f-e66e4f793383] Running ['dir']
[2021-10-13T17:18:42] [job 9ea3be45-ee90-4135-b47f-e66e4f793383] Running robotframeworkrobotv1
Workflow completed successfully.

You can specify a partial workflow ID, as long as it is unique (if it is not, a message is displayed listing the available workflows).

The last line can take four values:

  • Workflow completed successfully.
  • Workflow is running.
  • Workflow canceled.
  • Workflow failed.

Optional parameters

The get workflow command allows for additional optional parameters, in no specific order, but they must follow the command if used (but they may precede the workflow ID):

--watch or -w                       # wait until completion or cancellation, displaying status updates as they occur
--step-depth={n} or -s {n}          # show nested steps to a given depth (1 by default)
--job-depth={n} or -j {n}           # show nested jobs to a given depth (1 by default)
--max-command-length={n} or -c {n}  # show the first n characters of running commands (15 by default)
--show-notifications or -a          # show notifications
--verbose or -v                     # show all notifications (can be noisy)
--show-attachments                  # show information on produced attachments in the workflow
--output={format} or -o {format}    # show information in specified format (json or yaml)
--selector={s} or -l {s}            # filter the output on label selector(s)
--field-selector={s}                # filter the output on field selector(s)

For more information on selectors, see “selectors.”


You can change the default values of job-depth, step-depth, and max-command-length for a given user using opentf-ctl config set-credentials {user} --job-depth={n}.

What is passed on the command line overrides what is defined for a given user.

Waiting for completion

By default, the get workflow command shows the running status of a workflow and immediately returns.

If you use the --watch (or -w) command-line option, it will wait until the workflow’s completion or cancellation.

Stopping or interrupting the command does not cancel the running workflow.

opentf-ctl get workflow 396 -w
opentf-ctl get workflow 396 --watch
[2021-10-13T17:18:33] [job 9ea3be45-ee90-4135-b47f-e66e4f793383] Requesting execution environment providing ['windows', 'robotframework'] for job keyword-driven
Workflow completed successfully.

Nested jobs and steps

By default, the nested steps and jobs are hidden. If you want to see the jobs produced by generators or the steps produced by providers, you can add the following parameters:

--job-depth={n} or -j {n}           # 1 by default
--step-depth={n} or -s {n}          # 1 by default
opentf-ctl get workflow 396 -s 2
opentf-ctl get workflow 396 --step-depth=2
[2021-10-13T17:18:33] [job 9ea3be45-ee90-4135-b47f-e66e4f793383] Requesting execution environment providing ['windows', 'robotframework'] for job keyword-driven
[2021-10-13T17:18:33] [job 9ea3be45-ee90-4135-b47f-e66e4f793383] Running actionscheckoutv2
[2021-10-13T17:18:33] [job 9ea3be45-ee90-4135-b47f-e66e4f793383]  Running command: git clone https...
[2021-10-13T17:18:37] [job 9ea3be45-ee90-4135-b47f-e66e4f793383] Running command: dir
Workflow completed successfully.

If you want to view all jobs and all steps, use --job-depth=0 (or -j 0) and --step-depth=0 (or -s 0).

If you want to see the full running command, use --max-command-length=0 (or -c 0).

Showing notifications

The --show-notifications (or -a) command-line option shows additional notifications that are not displayed by default. If used in conjunction with the --verbose (or -v) option, the debug and trace notifications are also shown, if available. This can be noisy.

opentf-ctl get workflow 421 --show-notifications
opentf-ctl get workflow 421 --a

Enabling verbose output

By default, possibly repeated messages are only shown once (for example, execution environment requests), to prevent logs clutter.

If you want to see all messages, you can use the --verbose (or -v) command-line option:

opentf-ctl get workflow 421 --verbose
opentf-ctl get workflow 421 -v


When used in conjunction with the --show-notifications (-a) command-line option, all available notifications, including debug and trace, are shown. This can be noisy.

Showing attachments

The --show-attachments command-line option is available for the get workflow command if you want to display the attachments produced by the workflow.

When the get workflow command is used with the --show-attachments command-line option, the command output is completed by the attachment creation steps. These steps contain the produced attachment UUID and its name.

You can use the attachment UUID to retrieve it with the opentf-ctl cp command.

Example: displaying the workflow with the attachment creation steps
opentf-ctl get workflow 7eb --show-attachments
[1970-01-01T14:14:08] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710] Requesting execution environment providing ['linux', 'robotframework']
[1970-01-01T14:14:08] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710] Running function robotframeworkexecutev1 
[1970-01-01T14:14:11] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710] ==============================================================================
[1970-01-01T14:14:11] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710] Test Backslashes
[1970-01-01T14:14:11] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710] ==============================================================================
[1970-01-01T14:14:11] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710] Test  single                                                          | PASS |
[1970-01-01T14:14:11] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1970-01-01T14:14:11] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710] Test \ double                                                         | PASS |
[1970-01-01T14:14:11] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1970-01-01T14:14:11] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710] Test Backslashes                                             | PASS |
[1970-01-01T14:14:11] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710] 2 tests, 2 passed, 0 failed
[1970-01-01T14:14:11] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710] ==============================================================================
[1970-01-01T14:14:13] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710]  Produced attachment e3801f19-eb7a-4447-949f-a27499868ac8 (RobotFramework_reports.tar).
[1970-01-01T14:14:13] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710]  Produced attachment 841b9301-7d85-4ed8-8b0f-a33b21b4c446 (output.xml).
[1970-01-01T14:14:14] [job 831821da-ac32-47c3-8855-1ca4f219c710] Releasing execution environment for job
[1970-01-01T14:14:14] Produced attachment 64a5cf38-f6ba-4f5e-8849-439ee0a23753_e (executionlog.txt).
Workflow completed successfully.

Using selectors

You may use field or label selectors to restrict the get workflow command output (the events list).

Label selectors could be specified with --selector or -l option and field selectors with --field-selector option.

The most relevant selector for get workflow command is kind field selector, which makes it possible to select the format of events shown in the output. Possible event formats are listed on Events page.

If the selector condition contains spaces, you must surround it with double quotes to prevent bash parsing errors.

Example: displaying only ProviderCommand and Notification events of a workflow
opentf-ctl get workflow 7eb -a --field-selector="kind in (ProviderCommand,Notification)"
[1970-01-01T11:21:27] [job 75395f45-8bd9-4ce3-9528-0a4302370310] Running function junitparamsv1
[1970-01-01T11:21:27] [job 75395f45-8bd9-4ce3-9528-0a4302370310]  Running function actionscreate-filev1
[1970-01-01T11:21:27] [job 75395f45-8bd9-4ce3-9528-0a4302370310]  Running function actionscreate-filev12
[1970-01-01T11:21:27] [job 75395f45-8bd9-4ce3-9528-0a4302370310] Running function junitexecutev1
[1970-01-01T11:21:27] [job 75395f45-8bd9-4ce3-9528-0a4302370310]  Running function actionsdelete-filev1
[1970-01-01T11:21:27] [job 75395f45-8bd9-4ce3-9528-0a4302370310]  Running function actionsdelete-filev12
[job 75395f45-8bd9-4ce3-9528-0a4302370310] [INFO] Parsing JUnit test results...
[job 75395f45-8bd9-4ce3-9528-0a4302370310] [INFO] Parsing JUnit test report.
[job 75395f45-8bd9-4ce3-9528-0a4302370310] [INFO] Test report parsing result received for step id=40e1a8da-ebba-4827-a232-0a0e94ddfe7e

kill workflow {workflow_id}

This command kills a running workflow.

opentf-ctl kill workflow aa6e99ec-0fe4-4f35-8b9e-69a550a0e4ed
opentf-ctl kill workflow aa6e99ec c07d0ac5
opentf-ctl kill workflow --all
Killing workflow aa6e99ec-0fe4-4f35-8b9e-69a550a0e4ed.

You can specify partial workflow IDs, as long as they are unique (if they are not, a message is displayed and the ambiguous workflows are not killed).

Optional parameters

The kill workflow command allows for optional parameters:

--all                               # kill all running workflows
--selector={s} or -l {s}            # kill workflows based on label selector(s)
--field-selector={s}                # kill workflows based on field selector(s)

You cannot mix --all with --selector or --field-selector, and you cannot use those options when specifying workflow IDs.

For more information on selectors, see “selectors.”