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Insight Collector Service

This collector service collects and publishes various reports at the end of each workflow. These reports are available as workflow attachments. Currently, the following reports are published:

  • Execution log: workflow execution log (executionlog.txt by default)
  • Summary report: workflow summary report (executionreport.html by default)
  • Surefire XML report: workflow summary report in Surefire XML format (executionreport.xml by default)

This service exposes one user-facing endpoint.

Environment Variables


You can set the INSIGHTCOLLECTOR_DEBUG_LEVEL (all upper-cased) or DEBUG_LEVEL environment variables to DEBUG to add additional information in the console for the launched service. It defaults to INFO. (Please note that setting DEBUG_LEVEL to DEBUG will produce tons of logs.)

The possible values are NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL. Those values are from the most verbose, NOTSET, which shows all logs, to the least verbose, FATAL, which only shows fatal errors.

If INSIGHTCOLLECTOR_DEBUG_LEVEL is not defined then the value of DEBUG_LEVEL is used (or INFO if DEBUG_LEVEL is not defined either).

Access logs are only shown at NOTSET and DEBUG levels.

Insight Collector Configuration

The INSIGHTCOLLECTOR_CONFIGURATION (all upper-cased) environment variable, if defined, must refer to an existing file that contains reports configuration.


If the content of this referred file changes, the execution log configuration used by the Insight Collector service will change accordingly. You do not need to restart the service.

You can also set one service-specific configuration option using environment variable:

  • INSIGHTCOLLECTOR_WORKERS_MAX_WAIT_SECONDS sets the maximum duration to wait for workflow workers to complete their jobs.

Reports Configuration File

If you want to configure reports settings, you must create a YAML file.

Reports configuration files must use YAML syntax and may have a .yml or .yaml file extension.

A reports configuration file has one mandatory section: insights. It must contain at least one entity definition. An entity is defined by his name and kind properties, which are mandatory.

An example of a reports configuration file is:

- name: executionlog
  kind: ExecutionLog
    step-depth: 0
    job-depth: 0
    max-command-length: 0

Please refer to the Insights guide for more information.

Service Configuration File

This service has a configuration file (insightcollector.yaml by default) that describes the common service configuration options.

If no configuration file is found it will default to the following values:

kind: ServiceConfig
current-context: default
- name: default
    port: 443
    ssl_context: adhoc
      token: token
    workers_max_wait_seconds: 30

The configuration included in the ‘allinone’ image is described in “Common settings.” The listening port is 7796 and the bind address is as the service may expose a user-facing endpoint.

One service-specific configuration option can be refined.


The insight collector plugin subscribes to the following events:

kind apiVersion

The insight collector plugin exposes an /inbox endpoint that is used by the event bus to post relevant events.

Launch Command

If you want to manually start the Insight Collector service, use the following command:

python -m opentf.plugins.insightcollector.main [--context context] [--config configfile]

Additional command-line options are available and described in “Command-line options.”