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For configuration, opentf-ctl looks for a file named config in the $HOME/.opentf directory. You can specify another configuration file by setting the OPENTF_CONFIG environment variable or by using the --opentfconfig command-line option.

If the command-line option is specified, then it is used as the configuration file. Otherwise, if the environment variable is set, it is used as the configuration file location. Otherwise, the configuration file location is expected to be $HOME/.opentf/config.

You can use the opentf-ctl options command to get a summary of all global options that can be overridden using the command line:

The following environment variables override the defaults, if not overridden by options:

  OPENTF_CONFIG: Path to the opentfconfig file to use for CLI requests
  OPENTF_TOKEN: Bearer token for authentication to the orchestrator

The following options can be passed to any command:

  --token='': Bearer token for authentication to the orchestrator
  --user='': The name of the opentfconfig user to use
  --orchestrator='': The name of the opentfconfig orchestrator to use
  --context='': The name of the opentfconfig context to use
  --insecure-skip-tls-verify=false: If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity.  This will make your HTTPS connections insecure
  --warmup-delay='': Delay in seconds to wait between post and get requests (default 1)
  --polling-delay='': Delay in seconds to wait between polling requests (default 5)
  --max-retry='': Max number of retries before giving up reading information (default 3)
  --opentfconfig='': Path to the opentfconfig file to use for CLI requests

Those global options can be specified anywhere on the command line, before or after the command.

You can use the opentf-ctl config commands to generate and configure the configuration file.

The configuration file is a YAML file with the following structure:

kind: CtlConfig
current-context: default
- context:
    orchestrator: default
    user: default
  name: default
- name: default
    insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
    warmup-delay: 1
    polling-delay: 5
    max-retry: 3
    server: http://localhost
        port: 7774
        port: 7775
        port: 7776
        port: 38368
        port: 34537
        port: 7796
        port: 24368
        port: 12312
- name: default
    token: ey...
    step-depth: ...
    job-depth: ...
    max-command-length: ...

It contains a series of contexts that specify an orchestrator and a user. By default, the used context will be the one specified by current-context, but this can be overridden by using the --context command-line option.

The orchestrator specified by the selected context can be overridden by using the --orchestrator command-line option.

The user specified by the selected context can be overridden by using the --user command-line option.

The orchestrator’s tls-verify status can be overridden by using the --insecure-skip-tls-verify command-line option.

The orchestrator’s default warmup delay, polling delay, and max retry count can be overridden by using the --warmup-delay, --polling-delay, and --max-retry command-line options.

The user’s token can be overridden by defining the OPENTF_TOKEN environment variable or the --token command-line option.

If the command-line option is specified, then it is used as the token. Otherwise, if the environment variable is set, it is used as the token. Otherwise, the token value set for the user in the configuration file is used as the token.

If the orchestrator endpoints all listen on the same server, port, and possibly path prefix, the orchestrator’s services section can be omitted.

If one endpoint is hosted on another server or uses a customized route or port, it can be specified as such:

    server: http://localhost
        prefix: foobar
        port: 1234

That way, instead of performing a workflows’ lookup using http://localhost/workflows, opentf-ctl will use http://localhost:1234/foobar/workflows instead, while still using http://localhost/workflows to run workflows.

Please refer to “config set-orchestrator” for more information.


opentf-ctl respects the common proxy and trusted certificates environment variables. Please refer to “Proxy and Trusted certificates” for more information.